Chapter 14

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I feel great!

Even though we've been walking for like, hours. That's a little over exaggerated, but we've been walking for a while without normal breaks.

Yesterday we just stayed at the hotel, but I could tell Lux was getting super restless. My assumptions were proven correct when at five in the morning, Lux woke us up and told us we were going to get going.

I don't know why we haven't found a quicker and less exhausting way to travel, but I don't have a say in this. If I did, I would've offered to use my skills.

"Look! There it is!" Lux says pointing to something barely peeking up from the horizon. A small spark of joy flickers in me, but it's quickly put out when I realize we have to walk all that distance.

"Yay, how long will it take to make it there?" I mumble, shooting Lux a look of displeasure. She scoffs and chews on her lip, "I dunno, but I want to speed up the process."

"What's your idea?" I ask, smirking. Lux is crazy, so I know whatever her plan is it has to be badass.

"I dunno," She mumbles, kicking the ground. I let out a long breath as I say, "Wow, I was kinda excited."

"Well, my brain's been working too hard. Ash, do you have a plan?" She turns to Ash, putting her weight on one of her legs. I turn to him as well and step closer to Lux. I can't help but want to touch her tiny soft hair.

Ash tilts his head at the town before saying, "Well, Ace can take you there and I'll figure something out for myself."

"Ace take me? What do you mean?"

I smirk to get and poke her nose, "Well...I can go fast." She looks wearily up at me and turns back to Ash, "What do you plan on doing for yourself?"

He shrugs and turns to her, "I have my own skills."

She sighs, and turns back to me, "Okay, but I don't trust him."

I put a hand over my chest and say,"Ouch."

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, "Fine."

I smirk, putting a hand out, "It might be out of your comfort zone."

"If I don't hafta walk, I don't care."

"Okay, but I have to carry you."

She rolls her eyes again and just stares at me. I smile at her and pat her head.

"Are you two going to go, or not?" Ash asks, visibly displaying his annoyance. I sigh to him, wanting to let him know he just ruined the moment.

Lux, on the other hand, growls at him and says, "Yes, thank you for the reminder."

She looks wearily up at me, but before she can say another word I scoop her up and activate wind before bolting off.

I hear her scream and yell at me, but I don't pay attention to what she says because I'm busy feeling the wind ruffle my hair and it whistle in my ears. I'm going too fast to pay attention to my surroundings, but that's okay.

My body feels light and so does Lux's. I can feel the energy surging through my veins, making me feel so alive. I miss this feeling, it's the closest thing I have to freedom.

But it also carries a terrible memory. This is the skill I was forced to use when I ran. It's what I've been using to not be caught.

My speed is unbelievable and before I know it I have to slow down so I don't run into a wall. I wouldn't mind coming to an abrupt halt, but that risks sending Lux flying.

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