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ʚɞ Tamed ʚɞ
RBB (Really Bad Boy) ; Red Velvet
0:48───|────── 2:21
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
🗓️ April 24th, 2022

ʚɞ Tamed ʚɞ✩。°𝄞🎧𝄞°。✩♫ RBB (Really Bad Boy) ; Red Velvet ♫0:48───|────── 2:21⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻🗓️ April 24th, 2022

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

7:30 PM
(Time of the event)

The limo quickly pulled up in front of the entrance. Pedri got out first and opened the door for me to follow suite, right after I got out, he shut the car door. I smoothed down my dress and began to walk. I looked over my shoulder to see Pedri getting bombarded by questions from the paparazzi.

It seemed like all the questions were either in English or German. He's famous, isn't he? How does he not know to just keep walking.

"Is she the type of woman you would marry?"

"How long have you been together?"

I overheard those two questions and realized why he stopped. Although it's not like we're actually dating, so why does it have any sort of effect on him?

I quickly grabbed his wrist and dragged him inside the event.

"You know, before you came over and saved me, they were asking questions about why the hell you decided to dye your hair blonde." I paused to look at him, not knowing he understood German, "They asked in English." I made an O-shape with my mouth as if I came to an understanding.

"It was impulse! It looks so good though. Raya might kill me for it though, since I didn't ask her if I could dye it." I was thinking of how long it'd take before the photos got out before she called me yelling.

"I hope she does kill you; I won't have to deal with you then." He mumbled. I shot him a quick glare as some other models and their annoyed looking boyfriends trailed behind them.

"Da hast du dir aber ein schönes Exemplar geangelt, Juli." One of the models, Marie spoke to me as she looked Pedri up and down. Just the look she gave him sent an uncomfortable shiver down my spine. I found myself grabbing onto Pedri's arm.

[German: You've got yourself a nice one there, Juli.]

I gave them all an awkward smile, "Ja, ihm geht es gut."

[German: Yeah, he's fine.]

Another one, Adahlia lightly grabbed my hair as if inspecting it, "Wow! You finally did your hair, it looks good!" I tilted my head in response to her speaking English, "I'm practicing." She responded to my action and I just nodded.

"Nun, Pedri und ich gehen etwas trinken..." I spoke and tugged on Pedri's arm to drag him away from all of the overly judging models and their sad excuses of boyfriends.

[German: Well, Pedri and I are gonna have a drink..]

"What were they talking about?" Pedri tugged his arm out of my grip as he followed behind me to the bar.

"Love Contract" || PedriUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum