"I didn't say I was a defect!" he nearly yells, turning scarlet. My eyes widen as I say, "Quiet! You're gonna wake Ash!"

"Already have,"Ash says, behind me. I roll my eyes as I turn to him, "Ace is the most annoying human being to ever exist," I mumble at Ash's blank expression.

He scoffs before mumbling something under his breath. I don't process it for a few seconds, but when I do I gasp and ask, "Do my ears deceive me? Did Ash just talk poorly of the royal family."

He smirks before saying, "Royal is probably worse than Ace." I raise my eyebrows and turn to Ace, who's nodding. I scoff making Ace say, "Then Arabella!"

Ash bursts into laughter as he adds, "Next is Declan"

"Nah! Dawson!"

"He's more boring."

"No kidding! I'm surprised I didn't die of boredom!"

I stare at the ground, feeling completely left out. I'm partially embarrassed that I know so little about the royals. I know what they do and some of their personalities, but I always get them mixed up. I don't even know what they look like.

The news has never been important in my village, so when I went out into the other districts I didn't even think about looking into it.

Maybe I should start. It'd be useful to know which Prince is which.

I mean, I didn't know that Declan and Dawson are twins. The only thing I know about those two is, Declan's the first born but Dawson is the crown Prince.

"Are you gonna get that rest you oh-so-need?" I ask, once Ace makes another comment that sends them both into a fit of laughter.

Ace rolls his eyes as he slips his shoes off, "Yes, goodnight...or whatever."

I smile and nod to him. He clears his throat to say, "I'm going back to sleep if that's alright."

I nod and turn to the bathroom door. "Sweet dreams, boys," I mumble, slipping inside.

I lock the door behind me and stare at my reflection. I chew my lip for a moment before lifting my watch and opening articles.

Then I stop because where the hell do I start?!

Should I look into them separately? But how will I do that? You rarely hear about the princess and they always talk about the twins.

Maybe I should start with the twins. They're really important.

"Oh, they're kinda cute." I mumble once I find something in the twins that's recent. One of them has wavy light brown hair and he's smiling widely at the camera. The other wears an annoyed expression and looks like he's midway through an eye roll. His hair's a few shades darker than the other and it's straight.

Why's he look like that?

Something about sour attitude annoys the living crap out of me. He looks so rude. What's his problem?

"Shit, you're the crown prince?!" I mumble, feeling my face burn like I've just got caught doing something wrong. I stare intensely at the picture and the words underneath. Second Prince Dawson is gonna be the next king, the one who looks like a total asshole.

In the picture where it specifies who he is, he won't even look at the camera.

Ugh, whatever. Enough of you.

I continue to scroll down to see that the page has other brief information on the other royals. I don't click on Declan and I most certainly don't click on Dawson, instead I choose Prince Royal.

I've heard a lot about him, mainly that he's the royal who's the most stuck-up. And his pictures say exactly that.

He smiles smugly at the camera, telling everyone that they're below him. He looks just like Declan, except with darker hair. He most certainly doesn't look as friendly.

Did I just call one of the prince's friendly looking? Yes, surprise.

As a silent act of defiance, I stick my tongue out, flip him off and move into his sister, first and only princess Arabella.

She's the only one who looks kind, with a gentle smile and soft face. She has long straight, light brown hair that has a white ribbon in it. She definitely has the beauty everyone talks about, a mirror to her personality.

Why do they all get to be so beautiful? Even the boys! I try so hard just to look decent, and I look like I crawled out of a monster infested alley.

I don't know why I even looked at them, now I'm so pissed! They're so cocky, do they even know what it's like outside of their palace?! No, they don't! If they don't get everything handed to them, they take it by force. All the royal have done is ruin lives!

I wish they knew what they put us through.

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