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In the far reaches of the alternate universe,nestled within the ethereal realm of Arnina,lived Lucia,an elder and a wise being possessing extraordinary gifts.As the guardian of ancient knowledge,Lucia held the wisdom of countless generations and her insights guided the destinies of those on Arnina.

Deep within the heart of Arnina, a group of women lay in a deep slumber, cradled within bed-like incubator cubes. Unbeknownst to them, these cubes were not merely for slumber but were also spacecraft, vessels that would carry them to a distant world, Earth.

One fateful day, the time had come for these women, the offspring of Arnina, to awaken and embark on their sacred mission. But before that moment, Lucia approached their slumbering forms, her luminous presence causing the space to glow with a soft celestial light.

"Sleep well, my daughters of Arnina," Lucia whispered, her voice carrying the weight of ages past. "Soon, the cosmic cycle will guide you to awaken and embrace your destinies. You are the inheritors of Arnina's legacy, bestowed with extraordinary gifts to protect and preserve the harmony of both Arnina and Earth."

As Lucia's words gently surrounded them, a surge of cosmic energy coursed through the incubator spacecraft, preparing the women for their awakening. Though still deep in slumber, their beings resonated with the anticipation of what lay ahead.

With profound wisdom and love,Lucia placed her hands over the incubator cubes,imbuing each woman with a connection to Arnina's ancient power. They stirred slightly, as if in response to her touch, but their deep sleep remained undisturbed.

"Rest well, my dear ones,"Lucia whispered once more, knowing that their time to awaken would come at the perfect moment.

And so,within the Sacred Chamber of Arnina,the women slept on, their journey to Earth awaiting them like a dormant seed ready to sprout.With Lucia's guidance,their destinies were set in motion, bound by the cosmic threads that connected all realms and beings in the universe.

Amidst the vastness of space, a fleet of sleek and advanced spacecrafts glided gracefully through the cosmic expanse. Each spacecraft housed several bedlike incubator pods, each containing a woman in deep slumber. Among them was Lucia, an elder of a distant world, tasked with guiding her companions on this cosmic voyage.

The spacecrafts' propulsion systems hummed with power as they accelerated through the starlit void. Glimmering constellations adorned the endless black canvas, a celestial dance that mesmerized the travelers on their journey.

Inside each spacecraft, the women of Lucia's world were suspended in a state of deep slumber, their bodies and minds connected to the flow of cosmic energy. They were cocooned in the safety of the incubator pods, protected from the rigors of space travel.

Lucia, overseeing the fleet from her command center, exuded a sense of cosmic serenity. Her wisdom guided the spacecrafts as they navigated through the wonders of the universe.

Through wormholes and past radiant nebulae, the spacecrafts traversed the cosmic highways, propelled by advanced technology beyond Earth's comprehension. They journeyed with a synchronized elegance, their movements choreographed by the celestial forces at play.

As they approached the solar system, Lucia's heart quickened with anticipation. Earth, a pale blue dot among the stars, loomed larger on their viewscreens. Its warm sun beckoned, promising new beginnings for her companions.

With expert precision, the spacecrafts entered Earth's atmosphere. Friction caused their hulls to glow with fiery brilliance, illuminating the darkness of space. The journey was reaching its climax as the fleet descended upon the blue planet.One by one, the spacecrafts touched down on a farm;Abigail's farm.the women of Arnina began to stir from their deep slumber. Their eyes slowly opened, revealing glimmers of consciousness as they gazed upon the new world that awaited them.

POWERQUEEN:SUPERFAMILY(SUPERHEROINE NOVEL)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin