As the tension dissolved and relief washed over them, Caramel Arrow beamed with a mix of gratitude and admiration. "When I heard your cries for help, I feared I was too late... But all of you are much tougher than you seem!" She expressed warmly. "May I ask which village the lot of you call home?"

"We're from the faraway Cookie Kingdom! You saved our dough back there! And that's a really cool-looking bow and suits!" Gingerbrave exclaimed, his eyes filled with awe as he regarded the two saviors.

"Myeah, whuddya look at that fancy bow! And those suits you're wearing look very expensive, huh? Lemme take a close look at them!" Chili Pepper interjected, her curiosity piqued as she scrutinized Caramel Arrow and Mochaccino.

"Your armor does very intriguing! Are they designed to help you walk in the snow?" Wizard inquired, his gaze fixated on the intricate details of the protective gear worn by both Caramel Arrow and Mochaccino.

"Oh, these? They are the fruit of my own labor, the culmination of groundbreaking advancements in insulated clothing technology. I'm Mochaccino, the renowned creator of these suits and the Royal Scientist of the Dark Cacao Kingdom!" Mochaccino declared proudly, offering a slight bow in acknowledgment.

He continued, unable to contain his excitement, "And to answer your queries, yes, these suits were meticulously crafted to facilitate travel across the icy landscapes of this kingdom. But their functionality goes beyond that."

"These fabrics possess remarkable properties, capable of absorbing heat while repelling moisture. They are light, flexible, durable, and require minimal maintenance! Also-" However, Caramel Arrow, aware of Mochaccino's propensity for lengthy explanations, gently interjected, placing a reassuring hand on his arm.

"Mochaccino Cookie, let us keep it brief," she said, redirecting her attention to the rest of the Cookies. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am a humble servant of the king, a member of the Watchers. Caramel Arrow Cookie, at your service."

Custard Cookie III's youthful voice resonated across the area, filling the air with an innocent excitement. "A pleasure to meet you, Caramel Arrow Cookie and Mochaccino Cookie. Today, you have saved a king!"

"The pleasure was all ours, Your Highness. It has been an honor to be of service to you." Mochaccino, with a playful bow, responded to the young royalty with a lighthearted tone.

Expressing her relief at the unharmed state of the group, Caramel Arrow prepared to depart, her words carrying a sense of finality. "I am relieved to see that all of you are uninjured. Now that the danger has passed, I shall be on my way. Farewell, travelers!"

However, before Caramel Arrow could leave, Custard Cookie III anxiously interjected, seizing the opportunity presented by her connection to the king. "W-wait! You said you're one of the king's servants, right?"

Gingerbrave, recognizing the potential assistance they could receive, added with hopeful anticipation, "What luck! We have a message that we need to deliver to Dark Cacao Cookie! Can you take us to the castle?"

"Ah... Well, the thing is..." Caramel Arrow hesitated, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she began to explain, but Mochaccino swiftly intervened, raising his arm in a gesture of assurance.

"No need for further explanation, Caramel Arrow Cookie." He chimed in. "I shall take it upon myself to hear these Cookies' plea. In the meantime, you must return to my laboratory to ensure that your absence does not raise suspicion. Once you arrive, instruct the Cacao-Droids to relay the evidence to Dark Cacao Cookie."

Caramel Arrow simply nodded, swiftly retracing her steps back to Mochaccino's hidden laboratory through the secret entrance, carefully avoiding any prying eyes.

The Dark Cacao Kingdom's Light - OC x Cookie RunWhere stories live. Discover now