"Your dream team"

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The sounds of the music that was loudly blasting through the car radio, the loud yells and laughs of the people inside of the truck were overwhelming, at least for (Y/N).

(Y/N) (L/N) is a pretty girl who not so long ago turned 19. She was currently wearing a forest-green flannel shirt with a white t-shirt underneath, dark blue shorts and some black shoes. It was the middle of August so most people inside of the 'friend' group were dressing according to the season, and some integrants of the group took the opportunity to show some more of their body.

Of course (Y/N) wasn't part of this, it's not like she was insecure about her body or anything, okay maybe a bit, but she was more focused on wearing something comfortable rather than pretty, after all they would spend an entire week inside of the woods.

The teen and her family been living most of their life in a pretty rural area, so she knows very well how important comfort is.

Her family moved into the city two years ago, and (Y/N) is still struggling to get used to it, she'd much prefer to live in a calm neighborhood or little peaceful town. That's why the trip to the camp would be nice... If it wasn't practically abandoned.

By the way, why are they even going there?

Oh yeah, (Y/N)'s older brother Isaac (L/N) and his group of friends organized this trip not so long ago, right after discovering the existence of the old summer camp. The teen didn't want to come but her parents forced her to tag along by basically pushing her out the house and locking the front door behind her, so yeah... Not much of a choice.

Speaking of Isaac, he's a 20 y/o tall man, with dark brown eyes and (h/c) short hair, well but slightly chubby built. He's a guy with a terrible and narcissistic personality, the favorite and spoiled child of the family. It's obvious that he and (Y/N) don't get along AT ALL, and not just because of his personality...

The other people inside Isaac's friend group are Stefan, Amber, Mark and Sarah.

Stefan Miller is a 19 y/o guy with short blond slightly curvy hair, pale skin with freckles and green eyes. He's the one in charged to drive and take them all to the camp. By personality... Well, (Y/N) can't tell since she met these people like 2 hours ago, but Stefan seems to be the sassy rich kid from the group.

Amber Brown, an 18 y/o female with long blond hair, tanned skin, blue eyes, tones of makeup and revealing clothes. That girl is basically a walking stereotype of an American teen from California. By personality she's quite flirty and... Touchy, and not only to boys-

Mark Davis, a 20 y/o well-build and tall guy who has short black hair, light brown eyes and light skin. He's a rugby player in his university and Isaac's best friend. Unlike (Y/N)'s brother tho, Mark is actually an okay guy with no malice in mind, he's just a bit dumb, the typical jog basically.

And for last, Sarah Martinez, an 18 y/o short girl with shoulder length curly reddish hair, pale skin with freckles and hazel eyes. By personality she's pretty chill, always carrying a pack of cigarettes and... Other stuff to smoke. She's also okay, tho the smell of weed and alcohol coming from her is possible to sense from a mile away.

So... Yeah, that's the 'dream-team' (Y/N) is stuck with for a week. The teen tries to stay positive and hope that she can connect with them, but it's going to be hard since all of them are particularly interested in partying, smoking and doing... Some non family-friendly stuff, (Y/N) would be okay with their lifestyle and interests, if it wasn't all that they talked about...

What about (Y/N)'s interests? Well... She's a bit of an artist and writer, since young age she liked to imagine fantasy stories and then illustrate them, right now it's her biggest dream to become a writer.

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