The start of the Game

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Blaine settled in quickly, and even (as surprising as it is) took a great liking to Rachel. The duo were quite the odd pairing, Blaine always rolling his eyes and insulting her and she'd just pat his cheek and smile as if it were nothing. Which Kurt was coming to learn it was almost nothing, his insults were mostly empty, teasing even. And everyone learned to take them as snippets of love rather than hate speeches.

Kurt was pondering this in the kitchen, late one night, washing a few glasses Rachel and Santana had drank from before going out for the night.

"Want some help, Tinkerbell?" A familiar voice spoke from behind him, coming closer throughout the sentence.

Recognizing the voice as Blaine's, obviously, Kurt pulled the plug from the sink to let the water drain. "Nope, just done Hobbit." The taller quipped back in reply.

Though Blaine was much closer than expected, for when Kurt went to turn around and walk away from the counter two sure hands trapped him, holding his waist and pressing him against the counter, causing Kurt to elicit a gasp.

"I wasn't talking about the dishes, you seem, tense." Blaine drawled, releasing one hand from his hip to travel to Kurt's ass, squeezing it roughly with a grin.

"I'm quite alright. Thank you Blaine." Kurt replied, voice an octave higher as he tried to stay calm, fingers gripping the counter white knuckled.

"You don't seem so sure" The shorter continued, ghosting his lips over Kurt's neck and causing him to shiver as his eyes fell closed.

"Positve." Kurt snapped, regaining his senses and pushing away from the counter, and Blaine away from him. "You could dry those though, if you really want to help." The brunette threw a dishcloth at Blaine before calmly making his way to his room.

Though Kurt Hummel's thoughts were full of sure hands and plump lips that entire night.

That next week was tough for Kurt, of course being around his friends had helped, but it was at times like this he wished he were back in Ohio, with his dad, on the day his Mom had died.
That's what had him so upset, sitting out on the fire escape in the cold, mulling over his thoughts and trying not to be too sad, but failing.

Inside, Blaine was just in, having been down at a shop looking for a new jacket (His old one was tearing) He spotted the two girls, watching some soap, but no Kurt. "Where's porclain?"

Santana, too engrossed in the show pointed towards the fire escape and with furrowed brows Blaine turned towards Rachel for an explanation. "Leave him be? Its the day his Mom died, I think he wants to be alone. He misses his dad as well I'm presuming" She offered him a weak smile in parting before turning her gaze back to the TV.

Ignoring her requests to leave Kurt be, he quickly ran to his room, then to the kitchen, then to the fire escape.

"Hey Tink. Hows it going?" The shorter greeted, looking at Kurt with a frown, he just looked so young.

"Not now Blaine, I'm - What's that?" The brunette frowned as a quilt was draped over him and a mug of hot cocoa shoved into his hands.

"That is a quilt. And that is a mug of hot cocoa." Blaine pointed out matter-of-factly.

"Way to state the obvious Sherlock, but what's it for." The slim male rolled his eyes, but pulled the blanket a little tighter around him anyway.

"Well, it's pretty cold out here and I figured, you need it." He shrugged, looking away from the other and running a hand through his own gel free curls.

Kurt's answering smile was smug, and it unsettled Blaine for a moment. "What are you smiling like that for?"

"I knew you could be nice." Kurt laughed slightly, despite the occasion and Blaine didn't have it in himself to deny Kurt an opportunity to smile, or laugh.

"Yeah well, don't get used to it." The raven haired boy's grin was lopsided as he leaned back on his elbows. "Tell me about her." He suggested, voice softer than usual.

Kurt shifted his body towards the other and began slowly, tracing mindless patterns into the quilt as he spoke. "She was beautiful, and very graceful. My Dad says every man and woman in the town either wanted or envied her." He joked slightly, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips.

"She loved giving, she would never pass up an opportunity to help someone or make someone smile, and she was an excellent cook and baker, I get that from her." The slender male continued with a cheeky grin at Blaine.

Blaine raised a triangular eyebrow in return. "You must cook for me soon, or bake, or both. I'll be the judge of how well you are." He teased before asking another question. "What did she look like?"

"She had my colour hair, long and straight, my eyes as well, though my dad says they weren't as blue. She was tall and slim and always wore flowy floral dresses and dolly shoes." The chestnut haired boy spoke, sipping on his cocoa in silence.

And Blaine could imagine the woman perfectly, she was almost every bit like Kurt but the woman version.

"What about your parents?" Kurts question snapped him out of his thoughts as he cleared his throat and shrugged a shoulder.

"They're okay, not around a lot, always traveling, accepting though, I guess." Short and sweet was his answer but it seemed to quench Kurt's question just fine.

Setting the ceramic mug down beside him Kurt tugged the quilt up a little higher, feeling much better now that Blaine was here.

Which confused him, sure Blaine was hot, but he was still mostly a douche who wanted in his pants, but maybe he had a nicer side to him as well.

Letting out a yawn, Blaine got up, holding a hand out to Kurt. "Come on Princess, its late, you need your beauty sleep." He teased, and just like that he was back to normal.

Gathering the quilt and his mug, Kurt rolled his eyes at Blaine and smirked. "I could stay awake a year and still look flawless." He announced, making a show of checking his nails for dramatics before climbing back in to the apartment, putting the quilt and mug away and retreating to his room.

"Night Blaine." He spoke softly, looking at the boy in mention as he stood by the door to his room.

"Sleep tight Casper." The normally gel slicked male replied with a teasing smile before closing his bedroom door.

And with a shake of his head and a quietened chuckle, Kurt did the same thing, feeling better than he had all week.

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