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IZANA WAS HEADED TO his older brother's quarters with you striding beside him, both of you holding two boxes of freshly baked cookies.

It has been several busy months for the newly crowned king and you had suggested gifting the young lad a handful of cookies, which seemed to always lighten up his mood.

Surprisingly, it didn't take much convincing for Izana. He had dragged you to the kitchen and read through a cookbook to search for a perfect recipe.

He turned it into a competition of sorts to see who baked the most delightful cookies, hence why the two of you carried different boxes.

Only a few meters away from the king's quarters, Lady Kurokawa came out of his chambers appearing in haste as she looked around the hallway with evident distress.

Once her goldish eyes settled on you and Izana, a wave of further distress washed over her features as numerous thoughts run through her mind.

But with a woman of her status, she composed herself just as quickly as if nothing out of the ordinary appeared.

Izana was bewildered with his mother's presence, seeing her come out of Shinichiro's private chamber was odd enough and even more when she appeared distraught. "Mother? What are you doing here?"

Together, you approached the noblewoman. The woman who shared many traits with Emma had never reflected the same attributes as Izana, physically wise. It was often strange, but you never pester in the personal matters of others.

But they do share a good resemblance in making people uneasy with their unwavering stares and the way they carried themselves with utmost pride.

"Why, am I not allowed to roam the castle?" She spat. She was good at dodging questions too.

At her harsh way of speaking, Izana looked down. She was one of the few people who can speak to him that way without Izana having to reprimand them.

"I apologize for prying, Mother. My question had no ill intent."

Briefly glancing at you, it seemed that thought had sparked a sudden shift in her mood. "Hello, dearie.'' She said in a sing-song voice, as the nature of any mother would to children.

"Thank you for taking care of my troublesome son. Are the two of you hoping to offer his majesty a gift too?" She inquired, staring at the box of delicacies clutched close to your chests.

Izana remained quiet as he stared at the ground, unmoving. You noticed that whenever he interacted with his mother, she often acted uninterested and cold to him. She'd treat him like he wasn't worth her attention.

Praises were limited and forced. Hidden insults and remarks were usual. Yet Izana wasn't allowed to retort or act in any way deemed reckless, as it would only motivate her sharp tongue further.

Their interactions were cold as though they don't share any motherly son relations. It wasn't as if Izana lacked anything as a son, nor does he need to accomplish anything just to experience love from his mother. Simply, the woman was too cruel.

"His Highness is not troublesome, lady Kurokawa." You forced a smile and you noticed her expression falter slightly before she erased it from her complexion.

"If anything, I should be thanking him. He has assisted me in many ways, more than I can count." You defended Izana.

"And, yes. We are here to send our gifts for his majesty since he is still busy in the courtroom. Is that the reason you're here as well, my lady?''

You believed that it was incredibly odd for her to be sneaking around the king's quarters when he wasn't present. Your suspicions only grew when she avoided answering Izana's inquiries, telling you that she had things to hide.

crown prince || izana kurokawa x reader || royalty auWhere stories live. Discover now