Conflict and Love

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Chapter 2 :

2:30 p.m.

The patient's mother : Your classmate?

The patient's mother : I don't understand anything... What... What did he do to you?

The patient : In truth, even I don't understand anything about it. But I heard that he had family problems and that it traumatized him.

The patient's mother : But does that mean he didn't do anything to you?

The patient : No, he didn't do anything...It's my fault..

The patient's mother : But? What are you telling me ?

The patient : Yes.. when I found out he had a problem.. I don't know.. my mouth said "Do you have a mental problem?"

The patient's mother: But what are you .. why? You have no right to say that to someone who has a problem whether it's family or not..

The patient: I'm really sorry Mom my mouth said those words but I didn't mean that.. I sincerely apologized but he didn't want to accept my apologies..But he didn't want to accept my sincere apologies.. and he led me to the top of the school building and he pushed me, I didn't expect..It's all my fault not his.. I'm so sorry..

The patient's mother: This is a very big problem... Why did you tell him that? Why did he push you off the building? I..

The patient: I wasn't expecting either.. but it's my fault it's now that I feel the pain he must have felt when I said that to him.

The patient's mother: You two wait here okay. I'll tell that to the Doctor.

The patient's father: Okay.

The patient's father : You will say excuses to him okay.. it is not good at all..

Patient: Okay father, I'm really sorry..

The patient's mother comes out of the room.

The patient's mother : Doctor?

The patient's mother : Doctor!!

DD : Yes, excuse me..

The patient's mother : You seem to be more scared than us.

DD : Oh uh..No it's just that I check if my patient is fine or not.. if she has no problem.. I do this with all my patients patient safety is important to me.

The patient's mother : Hmm, okay ! Infact.. My daughter did not commit suicide..

DD : Oh ! I feel better.. thank you.

The patient's mother : You're welcome and thank you for thinking and worrying about my daughter.

DD : You're welcome, you can bring your daughter with you. I'm going to prescribe you the medicine to give her.

The patient's mother : Ok thank you !

DD : You're welcome, I'll go, I'll prescribe the medicine (medication) to give her.

The patient's mother : Alright!

(A few minutes later)

DD : Here is the prescription!

The patient's parents : Thank you very much Doctor.

The patient : Thank you very much Doctor.

DD : You're welcome, good bye !

The patient's mother : I'll give you my number just in case.

DD : I don't think I have the right to have your number as you came for your daughter who was a patient..

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