869: The Push of Jumping off the Building

Start from the beginning

"Yes, that's right..."

"At that time, even your quieter shouts had echoes. Why is it that this time, there's not even the slightest echo?"

Lin Sanjiu didn't know the reason, but it didn't prevent goosebumps from suddenly rising on her skin. She quickly aimed her flashlight forward and scanned the surroundings, sweeping over the words "dead end." After the flashlight melted away the darkness, nothing that shouldn't be there appeared. She looked for a while, and eventually the beam of light settled on something motionless.

After the dense fog of darkness dissipated, a three-meter-long glass window appeared at the end of the corridor. The glass had cracked, with a long, twisted fissure running through a row of words painted on it. It was difficult to see clearly in the dimness, but it seemed to be words like "pre-apocalypse medicine," "herbs," and "Special Items category drugs."

This should be the pharmacy.

"Do you think... the sound from earlier came from here?" Lin Sanjiu asked Mrs. Manas. In this situation, she was very grateful that her Higher Consciousness form could communicate with her.

"I don't know," Mrs. Manas replied stiffly.

"Should I go and check it out?" Lin Sanjiu sought advice, her body already tense, slowly lowering one foot onto the corridor floor. Her shoe stirred up a bit of dust, while her other foot remained on the escape route. She waited for a few seconds, but nothing happened in the silent surroundings.

"Maybe that person died like this," Mrs. Manas muttered, "Taking the flashlight but not following the instructions."

Lin Sanjiu instinctively clenched her teeth and lifted her other foot from the stairs. She stood still for a moment, like a highly sensitive radar, not daring to miss the slightest movement around her. Step by step, cautiously, she stopped not far from the pharmacy glass window.

She didn't get too close, squinting her eyes as she used the flashlight to examine behind the glass. The light was not bright enough, and she could only vaguely see the shadows of some shelves. Just then, a faint "clink" sound startled her, causing every pore on her body to tingle. She almost jumped in place but managed to stop herself in time because she immediately realized it was just a piece of glass fragment falling from the crack.

It seemed like someone was really here just now!

Lin Sanjiu's heart started beating faster. The glass must have shattered not long ago since fragments were still falling. She had arrived quickly, and that person who made the sound might still be in the pharmacy...


She stared at the glass and murmured a word.

The text within the aperture on the glass had changed. It was no longer "dead end" but now displayed a line that read "death warning, extremely dangerous!"

It was the first time she had seen such words, but there was clearly no movement in the pharmacy. Lin Sanjiu looked at the glass window again, and this time, she felt as if her whole body was gradually freezing from head to toe.

Despite the countless fine cracks, she could still see a whitish color on the glass.

The spreading misty white disappeared more than half, but within half a second, it reappeared on the glass, spreading out once again. Disappear, reappear, disappear, reappear... Following the rhythm of her breathing, the white mist on the glass kept emerging and dissipating.

Something was pressed against the window, its breath fogging up the glass.

Even in the dimness, Lin Sanjiu could see that there was no one behind the glass.

Death warning, extremely dangerous.

"Hurry, hurry," Mrs. Manas urged tremulously.

Lin Sanjiu stared fixedly at that piece of glass, stepping back one step at a time. There must have been someone in the pharmacy just now, but they were probably gone now. She didn't know what was behind the glass or even how to protect herself—aside from activating her [Defence Forcefield], it seemed the only thing she could do was to quickly return to the stairs.

As the white mist disappeared and reappeared on the glass once again, it had shifted to a new location—near the crack in the window. The size of the crack was just enough for a head to peep out from behind.

When the white mist disappeared from the glass once more, Lin Sanjiu turned around and ran, rushing up the stairs at full speed. Before she could even calm down, Mrs. Manas screamed, "Keep running! Faster!"

Her body moved ahead of her, and Lin Sanjiu quickly lowered her head, noticing within the circle of light on the stairs, two words emerged: "dead end."

Startled, she immediately swept the flashlight ahead—above, the stairs still displayed "escape route." The escape route was obviously narrowing while the dead end expanded. She didn't dare to miss any movement behind her, running swiftly up the stairs. When she finally reached the rooftop, she followed the words "escape route" and jumped down without hesitation.

Doomsday Wonderland Vol. 8: Heaven Underworld (856-1023) [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now