🍋Thats Not my Name~🍋

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This will get a Bit more 🍋, so....NSFW warning....(Please no children, its not that important. You can just skip this chapter....)
Spicy chapter (I can't write smut i'll warn you. Any Tips in the comments Please)
🚩Not edited yet- 🚩

-Juliet's Pov-

I left the room leaving back a kind of confused Mary.
How sweet......is she really that embarresed by such a situation.

Now I only have to wait for her. Hopefully she didn't take it the wrong way, I just wanted to See her Reaction to my rather...'strict' Tone.

She did Blush after all, so ....did she Like it? Should I do it more often ?

Maybe I should start using that voice more often.

"Juliet?" A voice appeared behind me that I knew just too Well.

"Yes, Aiden?" I answerd without turning around. I really wasn't in the mood talking to him. I Just wanted to See Mary again soon.

"Its nothing really, you're Just Walking in circles, slightly blushing. So i thought Something was wrong. " He looked at me and smirked "Has Mary tryed Something from the magazines and you walked in?~"

I looked at him confused. "What Magazines?" He only smirked and layed a hand on my shoulder, bending down to whisper in my ear. "Hopefully you'll See soon enough. You could use some 'relaxation'~"

I widden my eyes at the way He Said it. "what Type of dirty Things did you gave her!?" I asked more angry knowing that my Brother didn't really care about making a secret Out of intimicy or ....'adult stuff'. (~childfriendly~ but not for long) 

"Nothing too Special, Just some magazines with Tipps on how to Touch a Woman effectively" he smirked.

"Aiden! Stop ruining her innocence!" I warned while Walking Off. What is wrong with this guy, how can He Not See a Problem with His behavior?

But He only chuckled and left in direction to the kitchen.

I didn't even bother to Scream after him, since He is an Expert in Just ignoring me once He reached His Goal.

So i Just Made my way to the chambers waiting for Mary.
I'm a Bit curious If she'll Tell me the Same thing Aiden did with the Magazines...
But its Mary, so she'll probably get embarresed by it and will try to make it look different...
Or maybe-

"Milady? ...i'm here... y-you wanted to Talk to me?" I hear Marys voice from the doorway.

My goodness, I should Stop getting so lost in my thoughts I didn't even hear her opening the door...

But thats Not the Point, let's Just play this Game a Bit more. "Yes. Come Here." I say coldly.

"O-of course Milady..." She answered nervous.

How adorable!!! She is really blushing, and stuttering!
But why can't she Stop with this horrible Name...."Milady" what am I, 40?
I know its Just to be polite but...its too formal...I thought we were over this...

"Sit down on the bed." I told her looking in the other direction so she wouldn't See my Discomfort with the Name.

"Of course. Mila-" she started. "Stop! Don't you dare call me that Name again!" I yell at her in a strict tone.

She flinches slightly and looked at me a Bit scared.
Was it too much?

I come closer to her slowly....

🍋🍋-Starting!!! Go away children!!!🍋🍋

Yes, Mistress (old)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang