Very Short: Backstory summary

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This is the backstory of the Teddy but in childfriendly, if you couldn't read the actual chapter.
I'll try to make this as more as an diary entry, so that the story itself doesn't change.

-Little Juliet's diary- (yes, she can write)

Dear Diary,

Today a lot of things happened. I got some toys from my parents but something was wrong with them.
So Aiden destroyed them. That made me really sad... :(

But I didn't stay sad for long, since Aiden took me to buy a new toy with him. In a small toy store.
It was much bigger than I thought (its called "small toy store"?...oh well...)
And I quickly ran around searching for my new toy.
I found it soon in form of a nice stuffed Bunny. I did had trouble reaching it and Aiden wasn't much of a help either ...

But after some teasing, he finally bought it for me. And I was very happy :D...

But that was until we were home. Mommy and Daddy didn't like the new toy and took it away. And I had to go to my room.

But after some time Aiden came in and brought me something! It was a little stuffed Teddy, which belonged to him when he was my age.

I love it so much, its fluffy and he tells me so much stories about it.
I don't have a real name for him yet but i'll just call him 'Mr. Teddy'.

I have to go now, it is getting late and Mommy doesn't like it when i stay up so long.

See you soon!

-Pov Juliet-

With a small smile I close my old diary and put it back in my nightstand.
I still have strong emotions when it comes to that day... even if not all of them are good....

I have Aiden and Mary now...and even Lilly who helps me a lot.

I smile to myself and went to sleep. Now it was time to look what the future had prepared for me.
Like i said VERY short chapter, but most of the backstory simply isn't childfriendly. So either this or nothing ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.

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