chapter 3

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Aerial pov:

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Aerial pov:


"Ms. Aerial 2 latte and 3 cappuccinos on table number 5"



Just a few more customers and that'll be the end of day.
Good work today too aerial.

"Here's your order sirs"

*Placing the cups on the table*

*Men in the background*

"Abbiamo già dato abbastanza tempo, il capo ci ucciderà se indugiamo ancora"(we've already given enough time, the boss will kill us if we delay any longer)

"cosa si dovrebbe fare, signore?"(what should be done, sir?)

"andiamo a casa sua, se collabora facilmente allora va bene altrimenti ammazzatelo"(let's go to his house, if he easily cooperates then all good or else kill him)


Oh, my Italian people in this small town, that's a rare sight. I wonder what they might be talking about... well whatever I cant care any less.

"MUNCH...AERIAL please serve this to table 1"


*Later that evening*

Its finally the time to close the café. Ria is behind, waiting for me as I was just closing the café for the day.

I turn towards her to see her digging deep into her bag, looking for something.

"What ya lookin for?"

Why you gotta be such a busybody, let the girl peacefully look for.. whatever it may be.

"I know I kept it in this pocket for sure. Ah! Found it!! Here for you"

I look into her hand to find two necklaces with magnetic pendants which were connected to each other.. actually kinda pretty I need to say.

"here one is for you, one for me."

"what!! Really? Are you sure???"

"yeahh if not you then who else, here let me put it for you."

Wait woah are YOU getting shy!?!?

Stop over reacting and I am not shy, I am just happy okay?

"The pendant is really beautiful.. its the first time I received a surprise like this."

I am not normally like this to anyone else. Believe it or not, but in college everyone calls me ice hearted well they don't deserve to see my smiling face in the first place.

"thanks Ria but you really didn't had to do this you know and this looks really expensive too how were you able to afford these in the first place?"

"Well Lets just say I've been saving some money. Anyway, that's not important, put it on for me too, I cant wait."

"Yes maam"

This was the best evening ever I am so happy today, now I just need to be out of sight of those people and this will the perfect evening ever.

I am infront of my room and trying to open the window but looks like its been locked. Getting a little suspicious I peek into my room and it was a mess.

Your room is always a mess.

Yeah, but its even worse today, cant you see this one was not done by me.

It must've been my parents. Okay, so here's the plan, quietly open the door and try to reach my room without making any noise, seeing the time, they must now be drop drunk by now.

I walk towards the front door, it was quiet, like always but for some reason I had a bad feeling today. But I decided to neglect them and slowly open the door. But I was surely not expecting what I saw beyond that door. My eyes were wide open, trying to process what just happened as my ears go numb with the loud noise.

The loud noise of a gunshot.

Hey my fellow readers, smile here again to greet you all. Thank you for reading this chapter too and continuing with the story. Things are getting a little interesting now it seems, a gunshot, from where and why, will this be start of another suffering for her or will this be a blessing in disguise. I guess we will have to read further for it.

I hope you like this chapter too and thanks for reading till here, dont forget to comment and vote, see you in the next chapter. 😊

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