Episode 2: "A new life begins"

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(Jin woke up in a bed , his was feeling dizzy)

Jin: ( slowly sat up) uhh, my head is feeling heavy What just happen(

(As he look around he noticed that he was not in his bed room it was a complete different room)

Jin: (confused) where am I ? I am in who's house?

(Jin stood up and looked around the room and outside the window he was sure it was not his house. Then He noticed a letter on the table , he picked it up from the table and start reading it)

Era: (in the letter) Hi, Jin welcome to the anime world . From now onwards you are going to play the role of a teen high schooler of Yokosuki high school name Ito Katashi . Your mission is to clear all the task given to you and also play the life of a high schooler. Here are some more information about this characters friends and family.

(Jin became excited as he read it, he discontinued reading and rush to the mirror)

Jin: (excited) oh my good! I can't believe it is real.

(He pinched himself)

Jin: ouch! Dam it is real.

(Jin now got a body of a 18 year old high schooler boy who has large green eyes, big brown hair , a sharp chin and a pumped up muscular body with six packs)

Jin: I have to go to school now

(He quickly wore his uniform and went in front of the mirror again)

Jin:(excited) amazing! It is like a dream come true. Wait! If I am in an anime world then there will be

anime girls too. Waifus!! Huh...huh...huh...

(Thinking about it he made a pervy face while laughing weirdly)

Jin: (slapping his face) ok lets go.

(Jin lost in his thought full of excitement and happiness came downstairs opened the main door and rushed outside on the main street. As he came outside a truck came and hit him and ran over him)

*Classic truck-kun

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