Vol 4 - Chapter 15 [The Process of Taming!]

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2 days later.

I decided to postpone our return for 2 days. Returning within a day would be too conspicuous. On top of that, we have extra baggage with us.

Leaving the Panthera (leopard-kin) twins behind will weigh on my mind so I decided to bring them with us for now. Shen has also decided to follow us so I have to create an accessory to help him suppress the leaked mana. On top of that, the hunters need time to regain their strength after a couple of days of not moving for an entire day.

There is also the issue with Shen's belongings. While he can put everything in his [Dimensional Pocket], which is his unique ability, putting stuff in is totally different from taking stuff out of it. With the [Menu] from my ability, I can summon it through what Shen would call [User Interface]. In the end, I have to organize my [Infinite Storage] so his stuff won't mix in with mine.

But, thanks to that, I learned a few things from all his research in summoning and all kinds of stuff from necromancy.

On our way back, we had a pretty relaxing trip so I chose to not rush it. Ordinary people will take 4-6 hours from the mountain to Saga's City but since all of us have fit bodies, we travel quite fast without stopping. Thus, we arrived in 3 hours.

"Arlan, we're really indebted to you. Although sir Syen didn't do any harm to us, without you finding us, we may probably be stuck in a dream far longer than before"

After passing through the gate, Darran and his companions bowed to us in sync. We are definitely the center of attention right now but they don't care and proceed with thanking us. They said they will report it to Rowland themselves later since they don't want their family to worry about them any longer, so we are separating for the time being.

I introduced Shen as Syen since he needs to lay low in the city. It seems that Shen can also tamper with his status however he likes. I appraise his status and there are 2 interfaces that popped up showing his original status and [Edited] status.

Hearing our arrival, Rowland took the initiative to welcome us himself when we entered the guild. He then asked us to go to his office for further discussion.

"We've saved Darran and his companions. They're currently visiting their respective families so they will give the extra report themselves" (Arlan)

"Fu~ I was worried for a moment there. Thank you, Arlan, and everyone too for taking the request" (Rowland)

Rowland hands me the reward as he thanks us. He gave me a pouch with 100 gold coins inside it. He seems to increase the reward.

"And here. After a bit of discussion with the other head branches, the guild decided if you succeed in this mission, you will be given a blue token" (Rowland)

"A blue token? What is this for?" (Arlan)

I knew about it but pretending to not know is better since the girls can learn about its usage without me explaining it to them.

The blue token is basically a trust symbol from the guild but also an exchangeable token. It can be exchanged for a 'request' to the guild. Obviously, there is a limit to the type of request you can get with a blue token. Rowland didn't explain this to the girls but there are 4 types of tokens. From the lowest token to the highest token: Brown Token, Blue Token, White Token, and Crimson Token.

"-We will also put a blue mark on your plate later, so please go to the reception table before you leave" (Rowland)

"Thank you. While the request has practically been completed with this, I still have a few things to discuss. Is this the right time?" (Arlan)

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