Xaver Valter 'Icarus' (Marvel oc)

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[ Cw: Mention of abuse , homophobia ]

He has a wild imagination

And tells me things

That must be true

Like there's a world where I can take flight

where i can freely move


Xaver Valter 'Icarus'


Bi (Leans towards girls)

Goes by any pronouns


Depending what age Plague is in the rp vary from 15/20s


His mom and dad that he does visit and see often (depending his outcome if he ends up good he stops seeing them and frees himself.)

His older brother Zeaviel, is trying to kill him out of anger, and wanting to may his mom and dad proud of him


Blood of his enemies /j, He loves food any food from cow stomach to calamari, he does enjoy reading a lot, sports, loves cats, does love collecting cool designed knives


Has anger issues, his powers can harm himself


Your oc! (I don't have any canon marvel ships for him)


Xaver couldn't explain the pain, well, guess he could've it felt like he jumped into fire but worse.. His body was trembling as he laid on the ground gasping for air, he could barely feel or even move his arm but he was able push himself up. The ringing only felt louder in his ears as he looked up, his vision blurry. Where was he? What happened? His hearing was slowly coming to but from a distance he heard sirens, he glanced at his arm which was scarred up and bloody.. He felt sick. Looking around the room he now realized the huge hole in the wall..The blood and a hand laying limp in front of him.. They were gone and it was his fault.


His life wasn't terrible unlike his brothers, Zeaviel, or maybe thats because he blocked all the abuse they caused. But he always did his best at making his parents proud, he never really knew Zeaviel as the other "ran away" before he was born. His parents never told him they sold Zeaviel to a lab, he just knew he was never going to meet his brother. He did his best in school, he made sure he never liked men as he didn't want to disappoint his parents, so he did whatever they said or asked for they were his prized son, the son they always wanted. But he was never happy.

Later on in his life a new hero that went by the name 'Plague' had been super popular, he didn't really care for heroes but they saved the day so there was something. He had met a gorgeous women in college and they spent their life together even getting engaged and married, having a beautiful daughter. But money was growing tight, he could barely afford food or even the house they owned. Instead of doing what any other smart person would do he decided to sell himself to be experimented on, he at first assumed it was for medicine or something else but he later learned he was wrong.

The other was released early, too early at that they did a butch job causing the other to lose control of his powers killing his wife and kid with a strike of lightning. When he woke and left before the police found him, he stared at the scar.. His own power causing harm.. He was mad. When he leaned 'Plague' was actually his brother he grew even more mad, even jealous as the other could control his own powers. It wasn't right. DIdn't help his parents manipulated him.


Screams of terror could be heard as bodies laid on the ground, a man standing in the middle his body twitching as his own electric shock harmed him, he didn't care though as he looked up at the other heroes, looking his brother straight in the eyes. "You made me do this." The man rasped out, flesh hanging off of him as he laughed hard. "I am your brother.. Xaver Valter!" He snapped, looking around as he saw the horrors on civilians faces. Why did they look at him like that? "I am not the villain he is!" He shouted, lightning striking down as he cried out in pain getting himself injured.


He's taller than his brother even when he's the youngest, he has dark brown hair and after the experiments he gets golden cat like eyes and ram horns, he has a large burn going up his neck that looks like lightning and it goes all the way to his left arm. His skin is pale.

In his other form his body is more tiger like, he has a ram skull and horns as his head covering his head and a normal tiger tail.


- He can control lightening but it harms himself also (He may make a suit to potential stop this)

- Can shift into a tiger with a ram skull head and antlers


- Himself, his anger


"Fine.. If you think I'm the villain.. Ill be one!" The man shouted. "You can call me Icarus! Just like the man I have fell from the sun!"



- His parents started using him when they found out he had powers

- He does have a soft spot for children and normally tries not harming them

- He's open to relationships but is scared of hurting the one he loved, or plague killing them (which plague wouldn't.)

- He's closed off and rather not talk about his problems

- External link is his playlist

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