Way to ruin the atmosphere, Angelica! 

"Angelica" I warned her. This topic is very sensitive and it always put Athelo in a sour mood.

"Well I'm interested Father...since we're on this topic why don't you ask me if I want to be your heir dad..." Athelo is lying. He wants nothing to do with the business and Angelica must have forced her son to leap this opportunity. "not that you have anyone..."

"We have plenty of time to discuss it in the future Athelo-"

"No Ramos...today is a great time to discuss this" Angelica buts in.

I was right, she has something to do with this.

"Let's not hastily put pressure in Athelo, Angelica. If it can help you be at ease, then let me tell you with complete honesty  that I do not have any other children. Athelo is my only child"

"Do assure me that if you no longer have a lover" she just have to say it aloud.

I took a quick glance of my son to see if it bothers him, but all is well, it didn't.

"Rest assured, because I keep my word" I warned Angelica not to press my buttons or else I'll have to take action to put her in place.

"Can we just talk about the business, I'm already accepting it"


Three whole weeks passed by in a blink of an eye. Time seems to be moving quickly when I immerse myself in training and studying. I'm happy with physical training but studying is something I have to do to become a tough heir of a company I want nothing to do with. To satisfy my reputable mother, I agreed to become the heir, only because I thought I don't have to do anything. Never would have thought that I have to study entrepreneurship and management. It's tiring and sickening. I can't even study without alcohol as boosting energy. 

As of now, I'm lazing around in my apartment. I've finished studying an entire book after two hours, I might say, even if I didn't go to college I'm still smarter than normal- according to my mentor. I have nothing to do at all today.

Apart from studying, I trained full-time to prepare for the recruitment of the Head position in the organization. It was all tally down and I'm the only competitor who has the potential of acquiring the position. I'm only counting down the days until I can fly to Chicago and meet the heads and also their successor, and it's going to be this Wednesday, two days to go.

The issue about the origin of the female spy that we executed was a dead end. All we know is that the ink came from a native workshop in the US and that's about it. My crew is doing some digging and still making sure that the people who come and go here in Monaco are thoroughly investigated. I got a report from Romano that the spy wasn't targeting us. It was trying to investigate someone and only got tangled up at our exchange. I doubt that's the case. Monaco is being ruled by our organization alone, and that pesky little organization is uninteresting, I doubt they'll target such small and insignificant group. Since we're the only organization here in Monaco, who would be the target of the spy? Instead of pondering over that and receiving a headache, I saved that issue to discuss when I meet the higher-ups. 

For now, I'm enjoying the smooth flow of my work. We've earned about five million from just one exchange of goods and my men seem to be doing pretty well too. Can't forget that my mother is out of my hair. If I were to compare my misfortune, I can say many positive things happened to me these past few days. My dog seems to chill with the black cat too. Liz is no longer depressed, the cat is healing and both Captain and Spike enjoy the cat's presence. And I have no trouble sleeping at night too.

First Capo: Athelo BrownWhere stories live. Discover now