- 4 getting to know each other

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"so you wanna be an astronaut?!" We are now walking through the streets to go home. For me, it didn't really feel like walking a lot, thanks to hyunjin. I had fun with him, i didn't even get tired.

"Why though?" Of course as a friend, I'm gonna support him. I mean that's what friends do right? Support eachother. But I'm also curious as to why he wants to be an astronaut.

"I want to reach the stars" that's it?! His life is gonna be at risk and that's his only reason?! Because he wants to reach the stars?

"That's it?!"

"I like the stars jeongin, i look at them every night, with or without problems"

"Really!? I wanna watch to moon and stars with you!"

"Tomorrow"  he simply said but it made me happy.

"To be honest though, i don't like stars" i said as i sighed. Remembering the past.

"Why?" He asked looking at my direction.

"Mom and dad used to watch the stars, but mom died under the stars too" she got into an accident. That's why i hated the stars, the stars were the witness of her dead. It may sound really stupid of me but it's just how it is for me.

But with hyunjin, it felt like I'm read to face the reality. I'm ready to see the stars who once witnessed my mom's death. It will be more fun because I'm with hyunjin.

"Are you American or Korea, or maybe half and half?" Hyunjin changed the topic quickly, maybe to lighten up the mood and it worked!

"My dad is half American and half korean, but my mom is pure korean" i gave him a simple smile.

I'm totally enjoying his company, i wish we could stay like this.

"Oh! Umm.. my house is just here, you can go now" i pointed to my house, not far from here.

"Okay" he nodded and gave me his phone making me look at him with confusion.

"What's this for?"

"I want your number" oh right, we're friends now so of course, i got his phone and just typed my number, returning it as i was done.

"We'll watch the stars tomorrow"

"Or maybe one day, I'll take you to the stars" he smirked before running away, leaving me dumbfounded.

I Told The Stars About You | Hyunin Where stories live. Discover now