Ruan Qiu looked around. The ceiling of the venue was damaged by a big hole. Many Union troops surrounded below, and the rest of the crowd was withdrawing.

Si Xun was also among them. Ruan Qiu held up his body and shouted weakly, "Uncle!"

He wanted to stand up, and the white bird seemed to be afraid that he would fall and blocked the side of the realistic warehouse with one hand.

This move was also like blocking or imprisoning. Ruan Qiu was nervous for a moment and then found that it was not malicious.

He slowly stretched out his hand and touched the protective net wrapped around the realistic warehouse.

The gentle electric current poured into the body along the fingertips, and Ruan Qiu immediately felt that the exhaustion and fatigue of the body had receded a lot.

The protective net flashed a few times, and there was not enough energy support to disappear completely.

The white bird was still looking at Ruan Qiu and lowered its head slightly towards him.

Ruan Qiu grabbed the finger that had just touched the protective net. Somehow, the tip of his nose was inexplicably sore.

He touched the white bird's palm on his side and slightly worn thumb.

The white bird has been stored in the history museum. It is well protected and there is no dust on its body, as if it has not been sleeping for a long time.


The voice of inquiry came from below. Ruan Qiu looked down through the white bird's finger and waved to him: "Uncle."

Si Xun stood not far away and said, "Let the white bird put you down."

Ruan Qiu said confusedly, "I?"

"The white bird has been awakened by you and has been connected to you," Si Xun continued. "Try to perceive it with spiritual power, and it will listen to your instructions."

After leaving the cockpit and remotely manipulating the starship or the wreckage, Ruan Qiucai passed the assessment and knew what to do.

He tried to perceive that the white bird really responded, put the simulation warehouse on the ground, stood up and entered the standby state.

Several doctors waiting around him immediately came forward and helped Ruan Qiu out to give him nutrients.

When he touched the protective net just now, Ruan Qiu felt much better. He drank the nutrients and turned his head to look at the white bird behind him.

"Uncle," he puzzled, "How can the white bird be awakened by me?"

There are still a small number of people on the platform, and Sharp and the garrison are also nearby.

Confirming that Ruan Qiu was fine, Si Xun comforted and said, "Go back to the starship first."

The connected skeleton cannot be too far away from the owner. If Ruan Qiu wants to leave, the white bird will follow.

It withdrew its defense, automatically avoided the buildings and crowds, took steady steps, and kept a certain distance from Ruan Qiu.

Entering the starship, Ruan Qiu took the white bird all the way to the berth.

There is a lot of space here. The inquiry asked people to move away several star boats to make a space for the white bird.

Under Ruan Qiu's instruction, the white bird turned on the dormant state, and the lantern above his head went out.

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