Chapter 2 ~ Party

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(Ruthie's POV)


That first night of Remy arrival we stayed in ordered pizza and watched Adam Sander movies.  Throughout Michael talked non-stop with Remy, he seem very fond of her.  Christian and I were the only ones who seemed to pay attention to the movie.  Okay Christian seemed to be the only one.  I kept looking over at him, his blond hair falling in his brown eyes.  He looked angle-like so peaceful and clam, with a small smile on his face amused by the comedy, "Just Go with It".  He must have felt my gaze on him as he turned to face me and my breath caught.

"Hey," he said sending me a smile.

"Hey," I breathed out in replied as butterflies fill my stomach watching him smile like that, like it was a just for Pix smile.

"Well, I'm tired, jet lag as you Americans say.  Rose can we go up to bed?" Remy asked.

"Rose?" Christian and Michael question in unison.

"That's what everyone I know in England calls me, like you two call me Pix; well Rose is my England nickname.  Goodnight."  I explained.

"Oh Brian Cannort is having a party tomorrow, we're going so be ready by five." Michael called up after us.

"So the blond one, he's the one from the journal right?" Remy tested once I shut the door to my room.

"Yeah, that's him." I affirmed her.  See I have this five by seven old leather journal that my grandmother gave me a couple years ago right before she passed away.  In this journal I write quotes, poem, and songs, whatever I like really and then one day in England I let Remy read it and she picked up that almost everything in there applies to a certain guy.  And Christian is that guy.  I've liked Christian for a long time, ever since our first kiss on the swings, but nothing could happen between us; he's my brother best friend.

"So where do I sleep?" Remy inquired after a few minutes.

"Well your choice really, you can earthier share my bed, you could take the floor or my blow up couch, or you can take a guest room." I offered her.

"Okay well then here I'll stay," she simply said leaning back on my bed.  So we changed into our sleep clothes and settled down for bed falling into dreamland.


After finding Katie and Jace together in bed I ran to the back balcony crying my eyes out and downed a bottle of tequila when Christian came to find me.  He sat beside me in the corner that I tried to shrink back into yet pulling me into his lap cradling me.  He stroked my hair and rocked me as he made shushing sounds in my ear, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder.  Once I calmed down and the tears stopped I detangled my arms from his neck and sat back looking deep into his warm brown eyes, "Are you okay?" he tested me as I ran my fingers through his silk dark blond hair. I was so drunk and in unbearable pain that I didn't think about anything as I pressed my lips to his, at first he seemed shocked but then quickly responding kissing me back.  He moved me to where I was straddling him and he deepen the kiss. He bit my lower lip asking for entrance that I granted as our lips and tongues move in sync.     After a few minutes of making out he finally pulled back  breaking the kiss and whispered my name, "Ruthie,I..." when a sudden wave of nausea came over me as I stood and puke over the balcony into some bushes as Christian held my hair.   That night we fell asleep right there on the balcony.

My Brother's Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora