#1 a nightly ritual

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I look in front of me, I can see the marble floor and colorful carpet along with some toys. I sat there, knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. How did I get into this situation? The memories seem to appear, but only for a moment before they flutter away again. I move my head up and let my arms fall beside me. Only now am I able to see my favorite teddy bear, yoon. The bear wasn't the best quality, but it was still important to me. Maybe that's why I cried upon seeing it ripped up just lying on the floor. It was missing an eye, but I know that the eye was only holding on by a thread even before this all happened. One of its arms was thorn off, I used to hold that arm while walking around the facility. People often struggled to keep it away from me.

His ear, which I often bit, was around a meter away from the bear. I can remember crying in my room and hugging the bear while biting its ear just to keep myself from alerting the other. It normally didn't help much and they still heard, but it brought me comfort anyway. The bear used to have a heart, like a separate plushy that was sown on, but just barely. That heart is gone now. I can't find it anywhere. No matter where I look, it has disappeared just like that.

I struggle to keep myself together, tears are rolling down my cheeks. Everything I see is a blur, nothing is clear anymore. The tears won't stop, please let this be just another bad dream! I reach for the bear that is missing an eye, an arm, and an ear, but most importantly its heart. I reach for the missing arm and ear. I can always replace the button for the eye, but the heart?...

I stand up, and all the parts that I could find of the bear are in my delicate hands. Maybe, just maybe, Joon can still be fixed. He has been hurt before, Samantha usually fixes any holes that he might have. Sadly enough, there's only pink thread, so his scars are very visible.

I hug all his components tightly. Keeping everything together like how it's supposed to be. Step by step, I walk closer and closer to the yellow door in front of me. I twist the doorknob and push it open. Once I step in the hall it gets chilly.

There's a long hallway with doors that are a minimum of 7 meters apart each. I look to the right and at the end of the hallway and can see only darkness, the lights stopped working, it looks like there might be someone standing there, but it is too dark to know for sure. Along with the icy cold temperature, there's also a chill going along my back that causes goosebumps to appear on my skin. I hold the bear closer, some stuffing falls out and I rush to pick it up again. While doing so I hear a loud slam from behind me.

I jump a little and immediately look up behind me to see what happened, in the process, I forget to pick up the stuffing. The yellow door that was previously open is shut. Im not about to go through the dark and creepy hallway. I turn and walk to the lit-up side.

After walking for what seems like around 10 minutes I finally decide to open a door and see if there's anybody in there. But when I open it I notice that I'm in the exact same place that I started. The dark hallway to my left, and the neverending one on the right, gives me the same chill as before. I stare at the wall with my eyes wide open. "how did I return to this place?"

I look confused, wasn't I just here? Did I manage to walk in a circle? But then wouldn't I have ended up in the playroom before this? I walk a few doors further and open one that was close by, only to be greeted with the same interior. I try a couple more times, I even try to run further than before and open more doors. Nothing changes, absolutely nothing. It is the same place every time.

I am all alone in a seemingly neverending loop. I know I should try the darker side. But even if I try it's too dark to see anything. I might fall on my face. And I don't want to meet that mysterious shadow figure. I decided to try a couple more times, 8 to be precise, before finally going to the left. I let out a big sigh and walk forward "Come on, I can do this. There's nothing to be afraid of!"

I gather some courage and hold on to the wall so I don't get lost. I take my steps slowly while making sure not to trip over anything. Once I get closer it just gets darker. I stay put for a while so my eyes can adapt to the darkness. I can now see that human silhouette better. Its a human, or a demon? I can't tell. It looks like it has horns and wings. Why would it have wings and horns at the same time? Is it a fallen angel or something? Agh, I'm asking too many questions, and I'm not even asking the most important one! Why is that thing here!?

And why is it staring at me like that? I hold the bear tighter and drop another part by accident. I looked away from the humanoid for a second and kneel to pick up the missing piece. And then it just disappears right in front of me, the arm, it's gone... fuck, no. Nonono! I grab at the place where the arm disappeared into. Then out of nowhere, I can feel a hand resting on my head, I jolt up and run away without looking.

My breath is heavy and my heart was beating way too fast. I run forward past the humanoid creature, it stares at me as I run along and starts smiling when I hit a door. I rush my hand to the handle. It's cold, just as cold as the room was when I first entered this room. As I pull on the door I can feel my head pounding. I can't tell what's on the other side, it's too dark to see, but I'm sure that it can't be worse than this moment right now.

The horrible pain in my head turned into a more woozy feeling. Like when you stand up too quickly and your sight turns black, you think you're going to faint and so you grab onto anything you can. Which is exactly what I did, or at least tried to do. I try to hold onto the doorframe cause that's the only thing that I know for sure that's here. My hand searches around only to find absolutely nothing. I fall backward with nothing to lean on, but surprisingly I don't hit anything, instead of that everything seems to fade away slowly. It's dark here, and nothing is visible, so why do I feel like everything is actually fading to black now? I can't feel anything, it's like all my limbs are gone, and so is my sight, my hearing, smell, and everything else. All is gone, aside from that one feeling, the placement of somebody's hand on my body.

I jolt up, my vision has returned. I look around frantically and try to take in the scenery. It is bright, with Padded walls, a tiled floor, and almost no furniture aside from the bed and a desk with a chair, there's a door that leads to what I assume is a bathroom. And then the most obvious thing, a big steel door that doesn't seem to open from the inside in any way.

I was too stressed by the dream to notice that the plush bear was next to me on the bed, it's lying half under the covers and on top of my arm. I can see stitches in pink at the parts that were torn off in the dream. Was that even a dream? W-wait... I don't think that it was a dream, not all of it at least.

I can feel my body again, there's sweat dripping down my forehead and my head does hurt, just like the presumed nightmare. And another thing that's the same is the lingering feeling of a hand on my body, although it's not on my head like before, but instead on my shoulder. I try rubbing over it but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Maybe it will go away once I wake up more. The door opens up and a man in a lab coat walks in. "I see you have woken up. How are you feeling today?" What is going on... Oh, yes! Now I remember! I'm at the SCP Foundation

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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