"You have to go. Otherwise who can I go with if you don't?" Percy said. I shrugged my shoulders again.

"Then don't go." I told him. He pouted. Once I thought that his pouts were annoying, but I actually find it cute.

"But Annie, please." He said. I rolled my eyes. I then gave in on him.

"Fine, but you got to ask me the right way. I told him. He nodded.

"Yes!" He put up his fist in the air and then gave me a peck on the lips. "Thanks, babe."

"Don't call me that." I said. He smirked.

"Alright babe." He said.

"I'm serious Perce. " I told him.

"Whatever you say babe." He said. I sighed in frustration. He won't give up. He laughed along with Hazel and Thalia. "Anyways, meet me outside by the big tree at lunch."

"Why?" I asked. He smiled.

"It's a surprise, Anna. Don't wanna tell you." He replied.

"Ok." I said. After social studies and our specials down came science. I never really liked science, but I did what I had to do to pass. During science Percy kept playing my curls and not paying attention.

"Percy stop, or you're gonna get us in trouble." I told him. He rolled his eyes.

"You worry to much." He said.

"Mr. Jackson and Miss. Chase, I'd advised you to stop flirting in my class and start paying attention." Mr. Rell said. The class snickered and giggled.I blushed and looked at Percy. He looked fine like he was used to it. Which is true.

"It won't happen again sir." I said. He nodded and continued his lesson. I turned and glared at Percy. I really hate getting in trouble. Percy laughed and continued to play with my hair until class was over.

I walked with Percy to the big tree. We sat where we had our sorta kinda first kiss. He pulled out a flower from the grass and got on one knee. At first I thought he was going to propose so I started to get shaking, but I realized that this is the second day we've been together.

He tucked the flower in my hair.

"Annabeth, would you please go to the dance with me?" He asked. I nodded and pulled him into a hug.

"But Percy, I was kidding when I said that you had to do it the right way." I told him.

"Well, I can't really tell if you're joking or not these days, so..." Percy replied. I crossed my arms at him.

"You think I'm uptight?" I said. He shook his head.

"No, no, no. I do know when you are joking. I was just kidding." He assured.

"You better be." I said kissing him. He responded quickly, kissing me back.

"You hungry?" He asked. I nodded. He walked away and in 5 minutes he came back with two slices of pizza. I thanked him and then we ate together in silence. After math, English,and electives it was finally time to go home. I went up to my locker and pulled out my stuff. Percy was waiting for me at the bus, so I had to hurry.

"Going somewhere Annie." Calypso stopped me in the middle of the hallway.

"Yeah, home." I told her. She took a step towards me.

"You have no idea of what I'm capable of. I can blackmail. I can make every single day of your life miserable. And if you don't want that to happen that I suggest you leave Percy alone." She threatened me. Desperate much?

"First of all, you made a huge mistake of letting Percy go. Now you want him back? No honey, it doesn't work like that. Second of all, you can have Leo. Don't leave him in the dust. And third of all, Percy picked me." I said and walked off.

"This isn't over Chase!" Calypso yelled. When I walked in the bus Percy saved a seat for me. I waved at him and he waved.

"What was the delay?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said casually. He shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, where was Luke today?" He glared.

"I don't know and I don't care." He said. I was taken back by his outburst.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He clenched his fist. I placed my hand on his shoulder. He wouldn't budge. I kept poking him. "What is wrong with you." Every word I said with a poke. When he still wouldn't budge I decided to give up. "Fine, ignore me."

He looked at me then turned away. I just don't understand what he has against Luke. When my stop came up I got up, but Percy pulled me down. I looked at him.

"I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" He asked. I nodded.

"I thought you were mad at me." I said.

"I could never be." He said.

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