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Narrators POV

It had been a cold bitter January, and Lillian was sure glad that it was over. 

The days were long and every day filled with even more stress than the day before and she hated to admit it but it was also quite nice to always have something she had to do. Considering her breakup with her girlfriend of 3 years she felt like she needed to keep busy instead of ending up like she was at the beginning of the prior month. 

For a week straight all she would do, all she could do was stay inside crying into the tub of double fudge chocolate ice cream that sat upon her lap, cold but comforting she would watch cheesy rom-com as if that was making the pain go away and in all reality, all it was doing was making it worse but she didn't care she didn't want to care all she wanted to do was lay in bed and be sad

 But all of her Self pitting nonesence came to a close when her best friend, Julie had, had enough and ordered her to go get a job and to stop crying about someone who clearly didn't care enough to stay. 

So after 2 days of trying to summon up the will to get our of bed she did, it took a couple of days to do it but she got herself together and put in a couple of job applications for different places, and a day or two later one of the places wanted to see her for an interview. 

So after a happy dance she put on makeup and took a shower for the first time in God knows how long. Put on a clean white shirt paired with a cute bright yellow blazer and a black knee high skirt curled her long dark brown tresses and placed them into a ponytail and went in for the interview.

 The job was as the assistant to the C.E.O of a major marketing company; and she was absolutely terrified, this was her one shot to get herself back together after almost a whole month of moping around crying and almost getting evicted from her apartment.

Once her interview was over she was almost certain she bombed it, But she waited a couple days and prayed to every God she knew of to help her to get this job, And to her surprise, she got the job! 

Mr.Silvin was her boss. He was a tall man with broad shoulders, dark hair, and blue eyes that could make the sky envious, quite handsome in her opinion. He was well build and his dark locks curled perfectly to frame his handsome jawline.

 Now working for Mr.Silvin wasn't easy considering his position, he could be pretty snappy but would apologize every time he got short with her. And he was very demanding but nothing she couldn't handle given her insurance to such behavior because of her not so pleasant childhood. 

 Putting that aside he was really nice to her and the job paid well. It seemed as if everything was going great work wasn't bad she would go out with her remaining friends occasionally and she had forgotten about the whole break up until February the 14th yes, Valentine's Day.

She had taken the day off for a bit of self care. she wore a bright red top with ruffles along an open shoulder line and high waisted jeans with rips in the knees a pair of brown ankle boots and she tied her hair in a ponytail which was neatly curled and she went out.

 That day she had decided to treat herself to a spa day and dinner she went to a lovely little Italian joint that she had always seen driving home and just never gotten around to trying although she had wanted to because every time she drove by it was packed with people so it must be good and it smelt amazing like Chicken Alfredo and Garlic Bread her favorite. 

She had reserved a spot the week before knowing if she didn't she wouldn't get in considering it was Valentine's Day and a lot of couples would want to go out together and be all lovey-dovey or whatever. And granted it wasn't her best decision to go out on Valentine's day alone but all of her friends were busy with their partners or family.

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