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I walked away from the group and answered my phone.

"Hello?" I answered it sheepishly.



"It's me, Will." I froze. It was my ex. The boy I dated at the same time as my best friend which destroyed our friendship.

Why does this stuff keep happening to me?


"Y/N, I've missed you. I'm been to nervous to phone you but I saw Alice on the street and she told me about you and I knew I needed to phone you. I saw I still had your number and for days I've been wanted to phone you."

I sighed, is he serious "are you being serious?" I said more harshly than I wanted.

"Yes Y/N."

"It's now been four years! That's a long time to wait to call someone..."

"I was to nervous."

"Has she put you up to this?"



"Why would she do that?"

"Because she hates me because I dated you. You were one of the most confident popular boys I knew at the time, if you really felt the way you did then you wouldn't of just ran off when things got bad. You destroyed our friendship you know and you knew how close we were. You knew that I was her best friend! You did it on purpose didn't you?" I was getting so angry so I went and stood outside the coffee shop.

"No, I didn't."

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN RINGING ME!" I screamed drawing people's attention.

"Because your so pretty and nice. I saw your Facebook profile and I realised what I had lost."

"Oh shut up Will! Its all a lie!"

"No it's not Y/N, please, just meet me sometime. Phone me or something."

"I have a boy-"

"Y/N?" I looked to the door of the coffee shop to see Thomas "what's up?" He walked over to me.

"Nothing." I looked down at my phone.

"Oh Y/N..." Then he reached down and grabbed my phone and ran away before I could stop him.

"Hello?" Thomas's voice bellowed down the phone "who is this?"

I'm guessing Will said something like 'who's this?'

"I'm Y/N's boyfriend, now I suggest you delete this number and never phone back, okay? Because I'm not giving Y/N up without a fight."

Then Thomas hung up the phone and gave it back to me.

Without saying a word he went to his car which Hazil was now in-I'm guessing Melissa had gone home-and he started the engine.

I sheepishly wondered to the car but I couldn't help but wonder if Will was telling the truth.

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