Bastard is a Unstable Singer

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A hidden kindness
Chapter 2:The Bastard can sing

NARUTO POV (the story is always in this pov unless changed)

I got on my skate board and road downtown where there was a man sitting at that asylum school for me.

welcome Naruto Uzimaki"he said scratching the scar across his nose

"your patient is wating on you in there here's the list you need and this med pack for him"he said pointing with the paper

I toke the sheet and the backpack

why do I have to take care of a mental illness person with ragemode writen all over him.

I waled through the door and all I heard was music,this school was beautiful.

I walked down the corridor it was painted as art and the ceiling had art work on the tiles
I guess I was in the art department right.

I walked through a nother hallway and all I saw was painted music notes on the walls the music I heard got louder. There was these white rooms with glass doors and I think there sound or practice rooms they each had a piano or guitar in the them. There was picture of the patients that can sing or play on the walls. The music I heard got a little louder but the word I could make out was ..perfect..., well that give me like a million songs in the world. I made it a mission I will find out what song that is I put down my skate board then flew down the music hard and fast. I think I just thought wrong I blushed then there was a open practice room. A raven haired boy was sing wait raven haired. I duck behind the opening of the door.

"You make it look like it's magic
Cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you
I'm never confused
Hey, hey

I'm so used to being used
So I love when you call unexpected
Cause I hate when the moment's expected
So I'ma care for you, you, you
I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah
Cause girl you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
Cause girl you earned it
Girl you earned it

You know our love would be tragic
So you don't pay it, don't pay it no mind
We live with no lies
Hey, hey
You're my favorite kind of night

I'm so used to being used
So I love when you call unexpected
Cause I hate when the moment's expected
So I'ma care for you, you, you
I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah
Cause girl you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
Cause girl you earned it
Girl you earned it

On that lonely night
You said it wouldn't be love
But we felt the rush
It made us believe it there was only us
Convinced we were broken inside, inside

I'm so used to being used
So I love when you call unexpected
Cause I hate when the moment's expected
So I'ma care for you, you, you
I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah
Cause girl you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
Cause girl you earned it
Girl you earned it" he sang while playing the piano

He stoped then looked at the door I ducked further

"Who's there and what do you want"he said voice rough
I came through the door
His eyes got wide


Damn. He's cute

Who is he? wait is he my new care taker iruka told me about?
I've never seen him aroud here before. I think I would remember seeing a pretty face like that. Oh shit im still staring at him. I turned back to the piano

"Um are you naruto im your care taking student thinging."he said blushing a hot red

"Hn"I said I hope I dont go awall on him I wonder if he likes music I wacthed him walk from the door to the piano seat. He sat so close our legs were touching

"Um you sing great"he said puting his hands on the keys playing the song I just sung

"You make it look like it's magic
Cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you
I'm never confused
Hey, hey"he sang

Damn he can sing and play to
He sounds like a girl that's adorable

"Um do you want to talk to me at all" he said

"Hn"I said

"Well Damn Teme"naruto said under his breath

"What you call me dope"I said getting angry

"Who you calling stupid, bastard"naruto screamed at me

"Who you calling a bastard stupid"I yelled back

He threw a punch at me and I caught it my eyes started to turn red I knew it.I saw it in the mirror behind him. I gritted my teeth but I didn't see any fear on his face. He's not scared of me .

"Let go of my hand unless you want me to break your arm"naruto spoke harshly his amazing blue eyes looked so feisty and hurt at the same time i feel ... I dont know the word

"I'm.....sor...ry"I said calming down putting down his hand

He smiled at me. a real smile
I haven't seen that in years
Then the alarm on his phone went off

He pulled out some medicine for his backpack and a bottle of water.

"Here it's time to take your medicine sasuke"he said giving the items to me

I toke the items and toke my medicine.I gave him back the water bottle. My mood changed right then I grabbed his hand and ran out the practice room.

I took him down the bedroom hallway
To my room and I opened the door and slung him on my bed and jumped on top of him.
I smirked

Well that's a huge cliff tell what ya think

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