𓄂Chapter 30 | Target Hunting𓄂

Start from the beginning

"Myah... I was hopin' your injury would be small enough for me to justify keepin' this, but... Here. I brought ya a get-well can of tuna. Feel better, specs." Grim hopped up onto Yuu's back, holding out a can to Trey begrudgingly.

"Heh. Thanks."  Trey chuckled, taking the tuna can and setting it on the bedside table. Out of the corner of his eye he caught Yuu trying to reach and pull Grim off his back.

"Ugh, hashtag #fail! Now that we've lost a power player, we have to redo our team roster!" Cater whined, not aware of the two freshmen with wicked grins.

"Wait, what?!" Ace and Deuce exclaimed just as the door of the room opened.

"Why are there so many people in here? Trey is supposes to be resting!" Riddle scolded as he walked into the room, startling the freshmen.

"Myah! It's Ragin' Riddle!" Grim jumped, falling off of Yuu's back and onto the hardwood floor. Y/N sighed and flicked Yuu on the forehead after catching the mocking grin the boy sent to the beast.

"I am not 'raging.' I will be perfectly pleasant if you obey the rules!" Riddle scowled at the beast before looking over to Trey. "How are you doing, Trey? Can I bring you anything to eat or drink?"

"I told you, Riddle: you don't need to fuss over me like this." Trey grinned while crossing his arms and leaning back onto the headboard of his bed.

"But it's my fault that you got hurt." Riddle looked away from Trey with a guilty frown. Yuu jumped a bit and turned to look at Riddle with wide eyes.

"What? He didn't tell us that part!" Ace said, looking over at Riddle with an accusing face.

"Indeed.. It seems Honeydew left out some vital information?" Y/N hummed, glancing over to Trey who looked away from him upon making eye-contact.

"I needed to talk to him, so I went to the junior classroom at lunch. And then..."


"I'm going to be late today, so go ahead and start practice without me." Riddle said to Trey as he took a few steps down the stairs.

"Sure, will do." The junior nodded from the top of the stairs.

"All right, I'll see you-- Wh-whoooa!"

"Riddle, look out!" Trey quickly reached out towards the shorter boy who stumbled on nothing and balanced him.

Unfortunately, Trey was sent tumbling down the stairs instead.


"Trey never would have slipped if he hadn't caught me when I was about to tumble over." Riddle sighed as he finished telling the short story.

"Yeah, but if I hadn't, you would have just broken your fall with a flight spell. It was stupid of me to intervene. So you don't owe me anything." Trey tried to reassure the red head with a nervous grin. Y/N looked at the two before lowering himself down to Yuu's height.

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