World 9 Part 2

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Raven and Octavia went through the portal the next morning, excited to see Clarke and Lexa, however when they arrived no-one was at the camp.

Octavia looked at Raven with a worried look on her face.

"We will find them, O, I promise." Raven said wondering where they could have gotten too.
"Let's search the area."

After spending hours of searching the whole valley, Octavia noticed some tire marks in some mud, driving off into the Deadlands.

"What do you think it means?" Octavia questioned Raven.

"It's impossible to know, it could mean they found a vehicle of some sort and have gone exploring or it could mean someone has taken them. I think we should go and talk to Indra and see what she thinks, besides it will be night soon." Raven replied .

They headed back to the houses for one last check before activating the portal and going home.

When they got back they went and found Indra.

"Indra, do you have a minute?" Raven asked.

"Raven Kom Skaikru, Octavia Kom Skaikru let's talk in your room." Indra greeted the girls and went to Raven's room with them. Indra walked in the door expecting to see Heda and Wanheda but they were not there. "I thought you found Heda and Wanheda?"

"We found the world they are in, but the world they are in is destroyed, except for a small valley and yet they are not there and haven't been there for 2 days. We searched the whole valley today and found tire tracks in the mud. What we don't know is, if they have just gone somewhere to do something or if someone has taken them. At this point, I don't know what to do and was hoping you could help make a decision. It would be hard to follow them without a vehicle, there is literally one survivable area, the rest of the world for as far as you can see is scorched earth. So what should we do?" Raven asked.

"Did you see any signs of life anywhere else?" Indra queried.

"Nothing at all Indra, only at their camp and only in one house." Octavia said.

"Heda is a very skilled warrior, tracker and hunter and Wanheda a skilled warrior, and hunter and really does escape death, so I think they are fine and we just need to wait for them to come back. But if we haven't heard from them in a couple of days, we will send a search party." Indra decided.

Octavia and Raven agreed.

"Any luck find doppelganger Clarke and Bellamy, yet." Octavia questioned.

"Unfortunately, no, hopefully we will soon or this Lexa is going to be wandering around out there lost, looking for her." Indra replied.

Raven and Octavia thank Indra and went to clean up for dinner, which was delivered shortly after and the two cuddled up in bed to enjoy each other for the night.

Doppelganger Lexa woke again with no Clarke in her arms or even in the next room. The hole in her heart seemed to get bigger the longer she was seperated from Clarke. She didn't know how she could feel so much in such a short time, but there was no possible way to deny what she was feeling. Clarke is her soulmate, and to have your soulmate taken from you, is nothing short of devastating.

If Clarke was not back to her today, Lexa had plans to go find her. She has to, being away from Clarke is torture.

The day flew by so quick and still nothing about Clarke. Raven and Octavia, came by in the afternoon and took Indra to have a chat about something. Lexa wondered is this my chance to escape to get my girl? She was just about to make her move when Indra came back. They were waiting for the scouts to report for the day and not long after Indra returned the scout reported that he had found them and was requesting warriors to help with the retrieval.

Indra summoned her warriors, she was going to lead them to get Clarke and Lexa knew she wasn't going to be able to go.

"I am coming with you, Indra, there is no way I am not going to be there for Clarke. Don't even try to talk me out of it it won't work." Lexa said firmly.

"Fine, but you stay behind the warriors, when we go in to get her." Indra decided rather than fighting a war, she couldn't win, she should just allow it but keep Lexa out of harm's way. She would have went by herself anyway, so at least Indra could keep her safe this way.

Lexa was happy, she would see her Clarke soon and Bellamy Blake would get what he had coming. She quickly went to prepare and meet Indra at the stables. They would ride through the night and she would have her Clarke back tomorrow.

Doppelganger Clarke had not been awake much but everytime she was she had an incredibly painful headache that kept getting worse. She feared she was being drugged to much and whatever he was using to keep her unconscious was causing headaches. Clarke could only hope there was no permanent damage.

Everytime she woke up, she was sedated again as soon as told Bellamy she loved Lexa or she would never love him or told him what she thought about him. Thankfully he hadn't hurt her anyway, well apart from being really creepy and spooning her while she slept off her drug induced haze.

Her last thought, when he had drugged her last, was she had to work out how to escape and get back to Lexa. Maybe she needed to try something different. Maybe she should just give in and be his.

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