World 9

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Raven woke early, in total bliss, she had got the girl, the girl she loves is asleep in her arms after a night of passion, does life get any better.

There was a sudden knock on the door and Indra opened the door, saw them naked in bed and raced back out, saying "apologies."

Raven got up and slipped on her clothes and went to talk to Indra outside the room.

"Hi Indra what's up?" Raven asked.

"Doppelganger Clark was taken from the markets yesterday, we have found she was taken by a dark haired man, but nothing else, any thoughts?" Indra asked.

"Where is Bellemy?" Raven asked, "He is obsessed with Clarke, and always thought she should be with him."

Indra and Raven made their way to the room Bellemy was supposed to be locked in, only to find no guards and Bellemy gone.

"Guards, find out who was supposed to be manning this room yesterday and get them to me immediately." Indra said clearly pissed off. "Where would he have taken her, Raven?"

"Well, I guess that depends if he is pissed off with her for leaving him locked up or if he is deluding himself that she could ever love him. If he is pissed, he will probably take her to what is left of Mount Weather because it is what upsets our Clarke the most, having killed the innocents, if he's deluding himself he could be in any number of caves or bunkers but he will be around Arkadia somewhere, maybe even our old dropship. Did you want us to join the search?" Raven queried.

"No we will find her, thank you, Raven Kom Skaikru, Find our Clarke and Lexa."

"How is Lexa taking it?" Raven asked.

"Not good, they have gotten intimate and are in love from what I can tell." Indra replied.

"If you need anything, let me know. We will find our Clarke and Lexa as soon as possible." Raven replied and then walked back to her room.

Octavia was up and dressed when she got back.

Kissing Raven softly Octavia asked, "where did you go?"

"Doppelganger, Clarke was kidnapped from the market yesterday." Raven replied debating whether to tell Octavia the rest of the information or not.

"Raven, I can tell there is something you are not telling me what is it?" Octavia questioned.

"Bellemy has left as well." Raven said.

"My brother is an absolute idiot, why can't he just accept the consequences of his actions and accept that Clarke is never, ever going to love him. Even if by some miracle he had got Clarke to marry him before she met Lexa, it was always Lexa, she would have divorced him for her, well if divorce existed here, so Lexa would have probably killed him to get Clarke. Now he is definitely dead. He is such an idiot." Octavia said frustrated.

Raven holds her close, placing soft kisses on her forehead, "I am sorry sweetheart, I don't know for certain if he is involved or not but she was taken by a dark haired man. I wish you didn't have to know." Raven said.

"It's fine, Ray, I can't keep protecting him, he's an adult it's about time he learned there are consequences." Octavia said sadly, "let's just get on with the day, I need to be distracted from this."

"Ok, beautiful, let's go." Raven said activating the device and taking Octavia's hand, giving it a squeeze and stepping through.

They arrived on the other side in somewhere weird. There was nothing but desolute ground, except for a valley at the bottom of the hill they had landed on, it was untouched. There were visible glitches as well. The glitches presented themselves as upside down trees, fallen logs hanging mid air, rocks floating, birds in the sky looking like they were flying but the weren't moving.

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