Chapter Twenty-two-V

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V is for Vivian….my coursemate

Vivian is a light-skinned, tall and beautiful lady. She will probably be in her 20s. She’s a three-hundred-level student of the prestigious University of Ibadan and an intelligent Barrister to be.

Vivian is the contradiction of Achebe’s ‘the beautiful ones are not yet born’. Her unique characteristics floored ugliness In a bloody wrestle. Beauty nectar flowed through her veins and when you see Vivian from afar, it’s as if you’re staring at the River Euphrates you were taught about but have never seen. She’s Carica Papaya, her calculated footsteps are like the gentility of the sun when she rises every morning. Her dimple prodded deep into her cheeks and when she smile all you can think of is a hollow of space filled with a galaxy of stars– Indeed, Vivian aced excellently in aesthetics.

Apart from her flawless beauty, Vivian is also an avid Christian and a humble soul. She’s not one to be proud because of the appraisal she receives. She’s kind, lenient, pretty, and has the fear of God; an all-around character.

She was coming back from campus one day, tired and stressed. She trekked cautiously and slowly under the hot sun and the sun sparked her lightness more like the sun giving life to a lifeless drawing. She stumbled on a stone and hit her right foot.

“Ouch,” She hissed in pain and bent down to massage her foot.

“Sister, are you okay?” A masculine voice intervened.

“Yes, it’s just a light hit, I will be fine” She replied without looking up and still hissing in pain.

“Oh, okay, I’m sorry about that,” The man said.

“It’s alright, thanks for asking” She stood up and tried to straighten her leg and she staggered, gaining stance in the young man’s arms.

Her eyes gleamed as their faces were inches apart from each other.

Her thoughts ran far.

“If Tomi and Celine were to see me in this position with a man, I will be embarrassed and think I am already in front of the hostel”

“Love in Tokyo, oshey, give them” Tomi would have hailed with her voice as loud as three speakers put together.

And Celine would have gone the “Awwnn” way with mock admiration and a clownish look.

With these thoughts, Vivian quickly wriggled out of his hold, flushed and embarrassed.

“I’m so sorry, it wasn’t intentional, I just lost my balance” She rushed her words.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed of, I’m glad I helped” He blurted in his usual voice.

“You’re bleeding” The man exclaimed gently.

“Blee….ding?” She stammered and instinctively used her bag to cover her backside.

“I mean your toes”

She sighed in relief and held her bag by her side. She thought it was her monthly Augustina.

Before she could react, He bent down and scrutinized the toes.

“The big toenail is off and it’s bleeding, you need first aid” He muttered with concern.

“I will do that in my room, I’m in front of my hostel already” She replied.

“Oh, you live here?”

“Yes?” She replied, stressing the s and making it look like a question.

“I am Engineer Samuel” He brought out his Identity card to introduce himself.

“I am Vivian, a law student” She was acquainted and they shook hands.

Their hands lingered for a while before they broke the handshake.

“So, can you tell me what room you live in so that I can deliver ointments and plasters to your room?” He inquired.

“Are you a delivery man?” Vivian asked absentmindedly.

“I wouldn’t mind being one for you” He responded with a smile.

Vivian eyed him suspiciously.

“I mean no harm, I will just rush to the pharmacy, get the things and hand them over to you then leave, besides I have an appointment in the next thirty minutes” He elaborated.

She hesitates for a while before she told him her room number.

“Alright, I will be right back” He assured and strolled gently to his car.

Vivian limped towards the gate and pushed it open. The door made a cacophonous sound as its paved the way to the compound. The hostel is a two-pair storey buildings facing each other and consisting of six rooms upstairs and downstairs for both, making it twenty-four rooms in total.

Vivian shares a room with two other girls; Tomi and Celine, despite their differences, they do get along very well and always got each other’s back.

Vivian pushed the door open without even knocking as she heard Tomi’s loud voice pulling the strings of the house and Celine’s pretentious laughter …..They are a handful.

“The law” Celine hailed sweetly while she just waved and went to sit on the bed by the window side.

Baibbbby lawyer!” Tomi exaggerated and she rolled her eyes at her and they all laugh.

“What’s up with the bleeding toe and the sour face, that lecturer dey disturb you again?” Celine inquired and shifted closer to her.

“He’s not disturbing me again, all thanks to you and your thuggery” Vivian replied sarcastically.

She stood up dramatically and flipped her hair in pride.

“You’re always welcome darling”

“As you can see, I hit my……” Celine did not allow her to finish her sentence before she took over.

“You fell? Where? You should have watched carefully, let me go and boil water for you to bath” Celine rushed hysterically.

Tomi looked at her unbelievably and her jaw slacked in wonder.

“Celine, hope everything is alright?” Tomi asked with a sneer on her face.

“E reach to ask sef” Vivian added.

“You know she’s my brother’s wife and he will be back very soon, she must not be caught unfresh” Celine explained.

“Let me gist you!!!!!! Her brother came and he’s so fine” Tomi screamed.

“Really” Vivian inquired uninterestedly.

“And what’s with that tone, my brother’s wife” Celine taunted.

“Nothing, sister-in-law” Vivian shook her head and faced Tomi. As if on cue, they both burst into unprecedented laughter.

“It’s you guys that know why you’re laughing o, he waited for you for a long before he left because he had a meeting to attend”

“But he said he will be back very soon” That was Celine’s voice.

“Whatever” Vivian scrunched her face in pain.

“And he brought this, for you, I’m jealous” Tomi frowned as she waved the Customized nylon in Vivian’s face.

“Oh my goodness, this is much” Vivian exclaimed.

“My brother knows how to pamper a woman” Celine bragged proudly.

“Oh, please, here you go again” Tomi waved her off and all of them laughed.

“He bought ours too” They waved their nylon too.

“When will he be back?” Vivian asked absentmindedly.

Silence ensued as both Tomi and Celine were shocked by the question.

“Nevermind, just pretend you didn’t hear that” Vivian finalized.

“For where? Pretend? Are we in America? We heard you clear and clear baby girl, is that a hint that you will want to be my in-law? Celine teased.

“I’m shocked too” Tomi added.

“Imagination” Vivian sing-song came up and they both burst into laughter.

“My big baby will still see that face that you’re hiding, send pictures, you won’t, today na today” Celine chanted and laughed mirthlessly.

“You better go and find another wife for your brother because I’m unavailable” Vivian stood up and made a funny face towards Celine.

A knock sounded on the door.

“That must be the delivery man” Vivian muttered.

“Oh, it’s not him, I gave him a fake room number, shit, I told him my name, he might have asked around” She soliloquized.

“That must be my brother,” Celine said too.

They both rushed to open the door with Vivian holding the door handle. She came face to face with a smiling Samuel.

Smallie, I’m searching for a lady here named Vivian, she said she lives here but she gave me a fake room number” Samuel asked as he was darting his eyes around without sighting who was at the door, thinking it was his sister.

“Ahhhh, Celine, it’s finished” Tomi exclaimed dramatically.

“For the first time, I agree with you, this is love from heaven, it’s heavenly made, let’s go in since it seems we are stones”

“Celine, do you……” His voice trailed off as he faced the door and met Vivian.

“Vee?” He asked shockingly.

“Samuel, how did you?.....”

“He’s my brother” Celine cleared the air.

“She’s Vivian, our friend” Tomi introduced.

Their gaze lingered for a while, Vivian fondled the hem of her flared gown that she’s changed into and looked down like a shy bride.

“It seems this delivery man knows the right doorstep to tread, Vivian” Samuel smiled broadly.

“My brother no dey disappoint” Celine shouted in excitement.

“I……I’m sorry” Vivian stuttered in embarrassment.


“Turning you into a delivery man”

“As I said, I don’t mind being one, just for you”

And this chemistry practical was fierce and feisty, a philtre to be mixed with a lot of unpredictable chemicals, the chemicals were cogent and with the right hearty connections, soul ties and genotype, glittery diamond rings and the mixer, love. Vivian Weds Samuel.

“Tomi, when is that your brother coming again?” Celine shouted above the speaker.

It’s Vivian and Samuel’s wedding day!

“My brother has a girlfriend, look front and focus” Tomi shouted in reply.

“God, am I a stone?” Celine gushed affectionately at the beautiful couple.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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