Mini Chapter: Again

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After school
4 1/2 years ago

"Ouch! Let go!!"

Aubrey grabbed the girl's wrist. These kids bullied her accessibly, especially when walking home from school, or being alone.

   News has spread around the middle school, all suggesting that her best friend, or someone at the time who was like a sister to her, had killed herself. Mari.

They teased her in the hallway, telling her to 'join her' and that it was 'her fault'

These girls did the same. They would catch her every time she left the building, and would nag and rant about how her friend hung herself cause of her.

"Stop!! Please!!" She begged. Aubrey was then thrown in a corner where she hit her back, bruising it. Her back throbbed in pain, and it was just at a spot where she couldn't reach.

"Yknow, what everything thinks you should do, skydive off the school building, that's what."

The girls giggled,


They did this over.

And over.

And over again.

For four years.

She thought she'd be safe when she got to high school, but most of the same students transferred into the same high school as her.

One day, she had enough. Four years of bullying had been enough. And she didn't have anyone to tell either. Her parents would get so angry with her, or not even care. And the councilors would be a pain to deal with.

So, after Art club, she went up to the top of the school and stood on top of the railing, waiting for the courage to jump.

Her whole body shook, while she counted down.

   Three.... two.... on-


Someone had grabbed her hand, holding it, keeping her steady.

She turned around in shock to see....

"D-deviln?? W-what are you doing here-??"

This boy was someone she met at church, he had strawberry blonde short hair, he was kinda tall, and loved to wear the color blue. His primary interest was sport, especially tennis, he had tennis club too. On top of all of that, he was sorta the class clown.

Was he her friend? Kinda? It was hard to tell. They had spent days hanging out together, but not much beyond that.

   "Are you ok? What are you doing?"

   He looked at her worriedly.

   She jumped down and stared at the ground.

   "Yeah. I'm okay."

   "...are you sure...?"

    He knew the answer to that.

   Tears started to form under her eyes. Anger also formed.

   "How'd you know I was here??? Tell me!"

   She grabbed his shirt.

"Woah... all I noticed you were upset yesterday during the sermon and I saw you come up here and... I don't know... I'm sorry."

She let go.

"...thank you, Deviln.... I... I was going to jump off... everything was getting too much.. a-and I-I...."

She bust out sobbing, falling to the floor. She felt like she hadn't cried in years.

Deviln tried to comfort her.

"Hey... it's ok... I don't fully understand... but I wanna help."

Aubrey sniffed.


He held her close while she shed tears.

She felt so lucky to finally have someone to talk to. She felt safe around him.


She wish it lasted.

A/N: This mini chapter was boring? Yes it was. Do I give a shit? No. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean, I have plans, evil plans cause I like making my characters self inserts. Soooo yea. Anywho, the next main chapter will be the final chapter of the prologue. What will happen to Sunny his friends??? :))

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