Mini Chapter: Play a game

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   %$&@£ sat up, stretching. %$&@£ and her younger brother were sitting down next to each other, reading a book. The book's cover was a deep black with no words on it.

   The brother stared eagerly at the book, but it faded once %$&@£ closed it.

   "Awww it was just getting to the good part!"

  %$&@£ giggled, and picked up the book and stood up.

   "Well I'm bored! Actually! Wanna play a game?"

   The brother forced a smile. "That one again? Sure!"

%$&@£ shook her head.

   "Not that one silly. A new one! It's a really fun one, l know you'll like it!... it's called...."

   She reached in her pocket and took out a box cutter. She pushed up the blade.



   He looked at it curiously.

   "What's that?"

   "Oh.... Tsk tsk tsk. Come on! I expect you to know this game! It was made by very smart people, so it's a good one!"

   He lit up.

   "Ooh!! Ok! Teach me how to play!"

    "It's simple really, the goal of the game is to beat the other person! It's a contest!"

    He looked at it without weary.

    "How do you do that?"

    She grinned happily.

    "Here!! I'll show you!"

She took the blade and slowly dragged it across her wrist. Blood started to fill up the cut.

Then she did it again.

And again, and again, and again, going down each time. He watched, horrified.

"W-what are you doing..?  %$&@£??"

She looked up.

"This is how you play the game! Keep doing this until you give up! The person who goes the deepest and or quits last, wins!"

He was still concerned, and mostly confused.

"Does it hurt..?"

She laughed.

"Of course it doesn't! If you go fast enough."

He stared at her bloody arm, shaking.

"I.... I don't wanna play this game...."

He knew that she was going to get upset, cause he had said no to her games before. But this one was different. This one really put him the wrong way. But he should trust her...



Her face immediately looked annoyed.

"Come on! You'll miss out! It's fun!!"

He couldn't get his eyes off the cuts.

"I-I.... I'm good....sorry..."

She frowned.

"Come on... it's fun!"

She grabbed him by the arm, and held it up.

A scream formed in his throat, but he couldn't get it out.

She pushed up the blade again and held it near his wrist. Then, she quickly slashed across.

He winced in pain.


His whole body was still. He finally let out a loud scream, but %$&@£ put her free hand over his mouth. He watched in terror as white filled up with red and the blood drip out and down his arm. She looked at him, pissed. She slashed again, a bit lower this time. Muffled screams came from him, trying to break free.

The pain was overwhelming, and intense.


Tears stared to form under his eyes and streamed down his cheeks and onto her hand.

   She pulled his arm to get his body closer to her. She leaned down and whispered in his ear,

"Don't you... EVER. Say no to me again. Understand?"

He shook his head in defiance.


His vision was starting to get blurry due to lack of oxygen and stress. He gave up and nodded his head.

She came in closer,

"And if you EVER tell anyone about this... I'll kill you."

She let go of his arm and his mouth, and he fell to the ground. He could barely see; only really saw blood pouring out from his two deep cuts and the blackened vision. %$&@£ crouched down and pull on his ear, getting it close to her.




A/N: Hiii!!! So I'm here again. Yes. %$&@£ is fucked up. I'm not really going to give her a crazy backstory to normalize her. Cause it's not. Let's just say she just was born that way. Idfk ¯\_(•-•)_/¯ Maybe I'll come up with a story for her later. Idk.

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