Enchanted By You

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Writing, Writing always came so naturally I never understood why but it did and that's what inspired me to became an author. I've been writing since I could pick up a pen and for some reason I realized at a young age that romance was the easiest to write for me.

My name is Sugawara Koushi and I'm 23 years old. I happen to be a really famous Romance Author and I was invited to a big party for famous book writers and rich people that wanted there books to be autograph (sighed). The party happened to be tonight...sadly The thought of parties always freaked me but I didn't really have a choice in this matter.

I took one last look in the mirror fixing my tie, I decided to wear a standard suit the basic black with a gray tie the more normal I looked the less I would stick out...which was fantastic

When I finally got to the party there were lights everywhere and the music calmly played I think it was "Young And Beautiful (Lana Del Rey)"

Dear Lord, when I get to heaven Please, let me bring my man

When he comes, tell me that You'll let him in Father, tell me if You can

All that grace, all that body All that face makes me wanna party

He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds

I looked around the room and saw a friend from high school she was the prettiest girl I've probably ever met and she had beautiful black hair and her signature beauty mark on her chin. She looked at me and walked up to me saying

"Suga? Oh it is you it's been so long how are you doing?"

I smiled and then finally spoke "Shimizu It's been so long, I'm doing wonderful how are you I haven't seen you since the wedding

She smiled putting her hair behind her ear whispering " Well with Noya and Asahi getting married Tanaka got excited and Finally proposed to me..' She put her ring up smiling and blushing

"Oh my...God congrats!" I hugged her and she smiled even more if that was possible

"Thank you so Much Suga, Also that makes you the last one to get married...I frowned and said "I know I know I need to meet someone and get over my high school crush'

The thing about love is I was wonderful at helping with it or even writing it and describing it but when it came to my love life...It sucked everyone I've liked either was straight or liked someone else. The worse crush I had was Daichi Sawamura I liked him from freshman year till if I'm being honest I say I don't like him but if he walked up to me I would get all my feelings back so...ill probably always like him and when we were in high school I truly thought I had a chance but of course...

He ended up with a girl and the worse part is I couldn't hate her she was lovely and the kindest girl I've probably met Michimiya Yui was her name. I smiled at the bittersweet thought and dismissed myself walking over to the bar getting something to drink

I quickly ordered my drink handing the man my card to get charged and walked away slowly as I was walking back to the main floor someone bumped into me making me spill the drink i looked up quickly at the man standing in front of me he was wearing a mask

"I'm so sorr- Suga what are you doing here, you can't be here'

I looked at the man confused saying "Who are you? Why do you know my name'

The man tried grabbing me but I backed up slipping on the drink that was knocked over a few minutes earlier, The man grabbed me and pulled me close. Doing that caused everyone attention to draw to us he sighed and whispered "Just trust me Suga and follow my lead'

I watched the man pull me close and walk to the dance floor "I need you to trust me and dance your in danger" I looked at the man confused but decided to trust him...he seemed so familiar for some reason "If you betray my trust your regret it mister" We started to dance. The song switched to 'Love Story {Indila}"

L'âme en peineIl vit mais parle à peine

Il attend devant cette photo d'antan

Il, il n'est pas fou

Il y croit c'est toutIl la voit partout

Il l'attend deboutUne rose à la mainÀ part elle il n'attend rien

Rien autour n'a de sensEt l'air est lourd

Le regard absentIl est seul et lui parle souvent

Our hands were touching and he was staring deeply into my eyes his dark brown eyes looked so familiar but there was a hit of something in his eyes...something i only knew from books...but it couldn't be true. love? lust? It reminded me of something in my books, him gently holding my hand us both wearing gloves but still feeling the warmth of each other, Him gently spinning me in circles with the most beautiful song in the background a perfect book moment.

He slowly spun me where my back was on his chest, I felt his breath on my neck and then I heard him whisper his voice definitely familiar "Come with me" he spun me one last time. He then pulled me towards the door. When we were outside he pulled me to the side were no one could see and took off his mask

I looked at him shocked and confused

"Daichi?...what are you doing here why?"

He frowned and said "disappointed to see me? It's been far to long Sugawara"

I nodded no and "I'm not disappointed just confused what's going on why are you here and why am I in danger?

He walked up closer grabbing my hands and looked down into my eyes..."I'm undercover so I can't tell you everything, Lets just say some ones spiking the drinks. I'm just glad your safe. He put his hand on my face looking into my eyes "I..I wouldn't have forgave myself if something happen to you. He looked me up and down

I quickly pulled back looking at him angrily in the eyes "Daichi stop doing that right now...you have a girlfriend.

He turned around "I don't we never dated...get home safely Suga"

I watched him slowly walk away...he didn't what wasn't he dating Yui they told everyone they were I shook my head that wasn't what I needed to worry about that right now I needed him to finally know the truth nothing was stopping me anymore.


He stopped and turned around "Yes?" I breathed out and walked up to him grabbing his hands looking up into them a brown color I could never forget it was beautiful under the soft lights that were around us and they were staring at me directly so hard that I could probably melt "Daichi I-" I swallowed "The thing is.."

"I like you...'

"I've liked you f-'

I felt his hand cup my face and his lips were on mine warm and soft, His other hand took my glove off gently and he took his off going back to kissing me it was kinda rough but passionate and I felt like I was gonna burst from happiness he then backed up looking at me

"Took you long enough...I like you too"

"But if I'm honest I've always been Enchanted by you. Only you"

"I'm sorry I let you think we were dating if i knew i would have told you sooner..."

"It doesn't matter anymore..."

I kissed him again...

"All that matters is your mine now"

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