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"I still don't understand why he did it..." Ashton said, staring at the cup of coffee infront of him.

I sighed before saying, "we knew he wasn't happy..."

"Yes and we should of done something... Fuck Cal now he's gone..."

I looked down in despair before saying, "I can't imagine how Luke feels."

Ashton stared at me long and hard, not knowing what to say. We were both worried about Luke. It had been 5 days since Michael died, only 3 more days until the funeral, but Luke doesn't understand. He doesn't understand why we're organising a funeral for someone whose still alive.

But Luke must've known, or atleast a part of Luke must have. Some days, we'd find Luke giggling away with Michael, some days Luke would hide out in his room, not eating and not sleeping, wanting alone time with Michael, and some days, we'd find Luke curled up in a ball, late at night, crying to himself, begging us to take everything away and let him join Michael.

But that was the thing with Luke, he varied so much now. He went from his high giggly mood where he spoke to Michael, his worst mood, where he would cry and beg for death, and the mood where he'd panic, not understanding where Michael was, almost as though he had convinced himself that Michael had run away, entirely forgetting about his death.

All these moods scared us, because we never really knew what he was feeling. Some days where he smiled the brightest, he would cry the longest during the night. Some days when he would scream and throw his room apart in search for Michael, he'd end up giggling and watching something ridiculous like Peppa Pig with Michael less than an hour later. Or some days, he would go from a state where it seemed as though he didn't even know Michael existed to a state where he honestly couldn't handle living without him.

Some might say this was a ridiculous reaction for a first love, that hadn't even properly lasted. That was mine and Ashton's first reaction. But after Michael died, we realised, Luke didn't have anyone to go. Now, other than Ashton and I, Luke had no one.

These thoughts all seemed to rush through my head for what felt like only minutes, but in reality, was almost half an hour. Ashton was deep in thought as well by the time I had broken out of my thoughts.

"What are we gonna do Ash-" I was cut off by Ashton's phone ringing loudly. He sighed before answering.

"Hello?" He said, his voice trembling. I had only just realised that he was on the verge of tears. "N-no, it's okay..." He said, in a voice which was just about audible. His eyes then widened as he quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, I'll be right there." Ashton hung up, making many efforts to dry his eyes before grabbing his bag and pulling me out of the coffee shop. Luckily we paid in advance, meaning we had no time to waste, though I didn't understand there hurry.

"W-what happened?" I said, panicking.

"That was.... It was the school.... Something happened with Luke..." He said, quickly getting into the drivers seat of the car and hitting the accelerate as soon as I shut my door.

"W-what happened Ash?" I said, worrying. Knowing Luke, anything could have happened.

"It's just... He's been talking to Michael again..." Ashton sighed before saying, "And they handled it in the wrong way..."

The first time Ashton and I tried to sort out Luke from one of his Michael moments, he cried, telling us we made Michael disappear, and when we tried to comfort him, he made attempts at getting violent, but was too weak and broke down in sobs, eventually giving in.

This had happened a few times now, but we knew how to handle it now, and knew how to ensure he wouldn't hurt us on these occasions, but we had no clue what the school had done. Ashton told me he shouldn't have gone to school but the school were complaining to us and Luke said he would be fine, but I guess we really should have known better.

I was shaking and there were tears in my eyes as we pulled up at the school. It wasn't just because I was thinking about Michael, it was also the fact that Luke had grown on me now, and I didn't want them ending up the same.

We walked into the school, rushing into the office, Ashton quickly rushing out the words, "We're here to get Luke Hemmings." His voice wasn't trembling anymore, but I knew he was still slightly scared.

The lady behind the counter only pointed down the corridor before returning to her computer. There was a long corridor, with a large set of double doors at the end which lead to another room just in front of the library, main hall and a few classrooms. Ashton and I used to go here, and even walked with Michael to school a few times after we left, so we still knew our way around.

We began walking down the corridor, staring at the odd few posters along our path which were torn and scratched up. Screams and yells were becoming more and more audible as we went on further. Our pace sped up and we quickly burst through the doors, instantly laying our eyes on Luke.

There was distance around him, where he had probably been yelling at people to get back. Several chairs seemed misplaced, and there were a few students, who probably weren't meant to be there, along with several teachers. We were shocked to even see Niall there, worry evident in his eyes. Luke's eyes, on the other hand, were puffy and his cheeks were tear stained.

His eyes instantly fell on us as the door shut behind us and he ran directly towards us. At first I was scared he was going to hit us, perhaps kick us, and yell at us in some form. But instead, Luke broke down in sobs, wrapping his arms around us. "Please help me. Please make it go away. Make them go away. I want Michael back. Where's Michael. I want Michael! Please, please, if he doesn't come back you guys will kick me out and my dad will come back and- and-"

I quickly cut him off, my eyes filling with tears as I said, "Hey, Luke, listen to us. It's okay. Just because Michael isn't here doesn't mean we don't care for you. Michael would've wanted us to look after you and we will! He wouldn't want you back with your dad so we won't allow it."

I tried to give him a sympathetic smile, but I couldn't, and so just stared at him as more tears fell. "But where is Michael?" He said, his lip trembling.

Ashton stuttered as he replied, "I-I'm sorry.... He's gone Luke..."

Luke fell into more sobs, collapsing in Ashton's arms. I indicated for Ashton to take him to the car whilst I cleared my last tears and walked over to the teacher. "I-I'm so sorry..." I mumbled, looking down and trying to focus, considering my vision was entirely blurred from tears.

The teacher sighed and said, "Look, we can't have Luke getting violent like this in school. I understand that the situation is tough but if he keeps going like this, we'll have to call, the police. He could have injured a student!"

I sighed before saying, "Do you not think I know that? Do you think we want to send him to school like this? You can't ducking complain that he sign attending school and then not know how to handle him! You know what? Fuck you! I'm glad I left this shit hole." I said, glaring at her. Maybe it wS just the grief talking, but I was still glad I said it.

She gave me a look of disgust as I walked out. I heard her call for all the students to head back to class, then heard her high heels clattered in the opposite direction and it faded our as a door shut behind her. I jumped when feeling a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, anger building as I laid eyes on Niall.

"What the fuck do you want, prick."I said, glaring at him.

"I-I... I just wanted to..." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before saying, "Is Luke okay?"

I laughed sarcastically, tears filling in my eyes as I said, "You might not have held a gun to his head, or handed him the pills, but you fucking killed Michael so don't you dare try and come and make things okay now, because it's too fucking late to fix your messes."

And turned away sharply before running into the car and saying to Ashton, "Drive, j-just drive. I never want to see this place again."

I tried not to break down again as I heard Luke's heart broken sobs in the back seat, and I didn't even want to think about looking back, because I knew he would be curled up in a ball, sobbing to himself, probably not caring about a seat belt.

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