Pearl: Hmm. The asymmetry of this pile is really starting to bother me.

Steven is running down the beach hill with Y/N walking behind him.

Steven: School's out! Happy summer vacation, Steven! Happy summer vacation, Beach City! Yeah!

Not looking where he is going, Steven bumps into Lars and Sadie, who are setting up tables outside the Big Donut.

Lars & Sadie: Hey!

The table falls over.

Lars: Ugh, watch where you're going, you little sh-

Y/N glares at him.

Lars: -shhhhteven!

Steven: Sorry! I'm just so excited for summer. Are you excited for summer? I'm so excited for summer!

Sadie: Uh, I think I'm as excited as I can get about setting up extra seating for the summer rush. But Lars has big plans.

Lars: You bet I do! All those out-of-town summer babes traveling away from home without their boyfriends, if you know what I mean.

Steven: ...Nope.

Lars: Maybe I'll get a few numbers. Maybe I'll even... call one.

Sadie: Ha! Well, yeah, maybe I'll meet a new friend.

Steven: That's a great idea! A special new friend to have fun on the beach with in the summer. Maybe if I keep using the mirror to guide me, I'll walk backwards into my own beach-summer-fun buddy!

He holds the mirror out and starts walking backwards.

Lars: Next time you see me, I'll be on the arm of a hot woman!

Y/N: you both are pathetic.

He then goes to follow Steven.

Sadie: You can stop talking about it now.

Steven while running backwards and laughing, then began imitating Michael Jackson and moonwalking.

Steven: Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo! Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo! Wo, Wo, Hee-Hee!

Steven moonwalks into the boardwalk, when Mayor Dewey's Van, reflected by the mirror and chanting "May-or Dew-ey", is driving towards him.

The mirror then changes to show Lars.

Mirror: Er, watch where you're going, you little!

Steven: Huh?

He sees the mirror, and then the van.

Steven: Nooo!

Steven screams in fear and Y/N stands in between Steven and the truck, and when it hits him, the front of the truck is crumpled like paper, effectively stopping it in its tracks. Mayor Dewey crawled out of what was left of the van.

Mayor Dewey: what the FU-

Y/N: finish that sentence and I will relocate your spine.

Mayor Dewey: ...ₒₖ...

Steven: Why were you driving down the boardwalk?

Mayor Dewey: I'm the mayor, I'm not going to walk anywhere. Now I'm late for a speech.

He then grabbed the sculpture of his head and ran away. When he left Steven looked at the mirror.

Steven: What just happened?

The mirror projects Steven laughing.

Steven: You work! This is so cool! What's it like being a mirror?

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