The Great Escape:

Start from the beginning

Thomas opened a large grated door. We all ran out into a hallway. Thomas looked both directions and ushered us towards a ramp.
You guys go on. There's something I have to do!" Aris whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas asked.

" Trust me, It's really important." Aris insisted. "You guys want to get out of here right?"

"I'll go with him," Winston offered.

"Alright Winston, go!" Thomas closed the grate door behind him.

We all ran after Thomas down the hall. Newt and Zoe ran behind me.

"You sure we can trust this kid?" Minho was asking about Aris.

"Trust me, you don't want to know where we'd be without him!"

Thoms started around the corner but yelped and hopped back. Dr. Crawford.

"What are you kids doing out?" She looked at all of us. Newt pushed my sister behind him.

An alarm sounded and all the lights began to flash. They were on to us.

We arrested her and brought her with us.

            Our gang rushed down the halls of WCKD. We came to a corner. A guard coming down the other hall began to fire at us. "Why are they shooting at us?" Frypan asked as he all ran back a ways.

Minho turned back.

"Minho!" Thomas called after our friend. "What the heck are you doing?"

Minho ran, gave a shout, jumped, and slammed the guard into the wall.

We all ran back to him, dragging crawford with us.

"Crud Minho," Newt said, impressed.

Thomas grabbed the gun, "Let's go." He nudged the Doctor forward. I waited until everyone was ahead and then followed.

"Where do we go?" Molly asked.

"Teresa." Was all Thomas said.

          Crawford opened a door for us. We shoved her in and pointed the gun at the other doctors in the room. "Where is she?" Thomas demanded. "WHERE IS SHE?!"

Part of the room was separated by a curtain. Thomas passed Minho the gun then ripped it open. Zoe and Newt began tying the doctors hands with strips of cloth.

"Guys! They're coming, where do we go?" Frypan was looking out the small glass window in the door.

Newt and I slid the metal table in front of the door. Janson and his guards tried to push into the room. We all backed away with Minho pointing the gun at the door.

"Uh, this is a dead end!" Zoe cried out in panic. Thomas grabbed the nearby stool and slammed it into the glass window behind us.

"Newt! Help. Help!" He yelled. Newt grabbed another stool and together they shattered the window. Thomas hopped over, "Go go go!" He helped Teresa. Frypan and I both clambered over the half-wall and assisted the other girls. Newt passed Zoe to me, "Easy does it."

I picked up my sister and set her gently back on her feet. I brushed my hand over her stomach briefly. She smiled and nodded. Minho tossed Thomas the rifle and hopped over.

            When Thomas opened the next door a guard was standing right outside. Quicker than lightning Thomas shot the guard with whatever the gun was loaded with. I grabbed the pistol from the guard's harness and slipped it into the deep pocket on my pant leg. I grabbed a small cartridge of ammo that was hooked on as well. The guard writhed in pain but still managed to grab my wrist. I slammed his hand clasping my arm into the floor before wrenching it free. I ran after my friends. Ahead of us was the door we had come through into this prison.

"There it is!" Thomas yelled as we dashed down the hallway. We all crowded around Thomas as he tried the key card.

"Why isn't it working?" Molly asked.

"Shoot," Thomas said as he slid the card through again. "No no no no!"

"Thomas?" A voice asked. Janson. I slipped my hand into my pocket with the pistol. Thomas pointed the gun at Janson and his men as he walked towards them, "Open this door Janson!"

I looked at Zoe who was leaning against the wall looking rather pale. Newt whispered something in her ear.

"You really don't want me too," Janson held his hands up.

"Open this dang door!" Thomas commanded.

"Listen to me! I am trying to save your lives. The maze is one thing but you kids wouldn't survive one day out there in the scorch! If the elements don't kill you the cranks will. Thomas, you have to believe me!" Janson lowered his hands. "I only want whats best for you."

"Yeah let me guess. WCKD is good?"

"You're not getting through that door thomas," He replied. A light clicked on green in the scanner. The door opened.

"Yeah sucker?" I whispered. Aris and Winston were on the other side.

"Hey guys," Aris smiled.

"Thomas! Come on let's go!" Newt yelled as he pushed Zoe through the door. Thomas fired at the group as he backed up towards us. After he fired the final shot he threw the gun and ran down the hall. The door began to close.

"Come on Thomas!" Newt.

"Hurry!" Molly screamed.

"Run!" Teresa yelled.

Zoe had her hands over her stomach as she watched Thomas.

Thomas slid under the door just as it closed. Aris smashed the scanner next to the door. Jansons face appeared in the window, "You little-"

Winston grabbed another pistol from the guard on the floor's belt. Thomas flashed Janson the finger. Minho and I grabbed the four packs leaning against the wall. I tossed one to Newt, one to Zoe, and the other i kept for myself.

"Come on!" Frypan yelled as Thomas and Aris sprinted around the corner.

"Let's go," I smiled at my sister and nudged her ahead. When we came to the doors leading outside Thomas pulled down a red lever. 

A blast of sand blew in. 


Chapter unofficially sponsored by My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

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