
"Uh-huh. Oh, oh, yes. Well, aren't you fascinating? Yes, you are." Loggle examined the wood. "Can you fix it?" Anne and i asked at the same time. We turned to loggle for an answer. " As a matter of fact, I can... not." He responded. "Huh. Can you make a new one?" Sprig implored. "Absolutely... no way." This is irrotating, just breath y/n.. dont loose your temper. "Do you have one we could buy?" Polly questioned, and again the answer was,"Of course I do... n't. I don't." I sighed. "Why do you keep doing that?" Anne presented. "Old smithing accident. You don't want to know." "oh" I didnt expect that- "Tripped on an anvil. Landed neck-first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through!" He explained, not to graphicly.


"Dude! come on."



Anne and polly complained, but me and sprig where facinated about, kinda. "Switched over to wood after that. Anyhow, I'm afraid I can't do much for you. That cane was made with wood from the incredibly rare, extremely dangerous Doom Tree!" He explicated. "Few have made it to the Doom Tree alive, fewer yet returned. It holds many secrets that mortals dare not--" "Dude, it's a tree. Just tell us where it is." Anne cut him off. "Yeah, Loggle, cut the chitchat!" "You're bald!". Have these guys not learnt anything from before or what.I get that polly and sprig have been here longer then me and anne but she should know about good 'first impressions'. Normally i would be rude to, i mean i even laugh at kids falling over. But this is like a talking frog world and this is my first impression, but whatever. "Okay, okay. I got a map to the Doom Tree right here, but it'll cost ya." He started, but anne just took a picture on her phone. "Or you could do that for free." He sighed. "Come on, guys. We gotta hurry. Hop Pop could wake up at any second!" She rushed grabbing my hand and draging me in the process, polly being lazy just jumped on my hair-. Not like i care tbh. "Be careful, you kids. It's cursed, I tell ya. Cursed!" He shouted while we all rushed out. "To the Doom Tree, everyone." "woo-hoo" "Yeah!" Sprig stopped walking back into the shop, staring at a strangley buff wood version of loggle. "Whoa, Loggle. We gotta talk about this, man. We're comin' back. We're gonna talk about this. All right, good-bye." he said fast, walking out when he finished.


Anne grunted, we are in a really gross forest area. "Hold up. We're here. Now, that is an ugly tree." I bursted out laughing. "Anne- come look-" "Just one of Mother Nature's horrible mistakes." Sprig interupted. "Frogs died here." I snorted. "W-Why does that frog have t- to be postitioned like that." i laughed, struggling to talk from my laughter, walking away from the wierd positioned dead frog bones. Polly, who is still on my head, didnt understand but laughed anyways cause, death is funny. I walked closer to the weird tree while looking around. "Look. That branch is perfect" Anne pointed out. "You people and your legs." Polly rolled her eyes. I looked up at her, "Won't you get yours someday? Then your basically making fun of you future self." I said. "no- huh nevermind then." she smiled. Meanwhile anne was climbing the tree. "Careful. The tree is cursed. Pfft!" she laughed. "Anne do be carefull up there, dont fall." I Made sure she knew to not hurt herself. "ill be fine y/n/n" she said grabbing the branch."Okay, seriously though, on three. One, two..." She pulled on the branch snapping it of the tree, which oddly made a screeching noise.

She fell landing on her butox. "ill be fine" I said, mimicking her while lifting eyebrow up. She gave me a death glare, and i smiled rolling my eyes. "Uh, did the tree just scream?" She blinked, maikng everyone stare at the so called 'tree'. Then it roared, pulling itself out the ground. "That is not a tree!" I yelled, suprised at what was currently happening. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" sprig shouted, getting flinged off the tree. We all backed up with the monster roared at us coveing us in tree sap?. ew. "Oh, hey, it's maple." Sprig added. "Run!" Anne yelled, making us run back the way we came, Polly holding onto my hair for dear life, We all started screaming, hoping not to be sent to certan doom. "That thing is not a tree. It's some kind of grody bug!" Anne shreiked, trying not to trip in her one, single shoe. "A bug that wants to kill us!" Sprig pointed the ovious out. " Guys, im not super fast, why didnt i listen to our pe teacherrrr" I cried, remebering the fact i just skipped p.e all the time. "Less talky-talky, more runny-runny!" Polly screamed at us.


Loggle sighed, getting his keys out to lock up his store. "Well, Loggle, another day, another step closer to bankrupt-- Eh?" He stopped. "What the-- What's going on?" He asked, wondering why he and four random 'kids' had just pushed him in his shop and barricaded the door.

"Don't ask questions!" Anne yelled at the poor frog, oblivious to whats happening. Then, suddenly the tree bug busted through loggles door, everyone screaming at this monster. "What's it gonna take to get rid of this thing?" anne grunts, trying to work out what to do. She picked up a antuqie wooden clock, the bells making a sound as she does so. "Oh, this is nice." she complimented, while throughing it at the 'tree bug' destroying it. "That took 20 years to carve." Loggle shrieked. I couldnt help but feel bad. "Guys try not to destroy his shop!" You yelled, still paniked about the monster. "Yah! Yah yah yah yah yah! And that! And that! Hi-yah!" Polly attacked, saying her words as she hit the overgrown bug. "Charge!" Anne and sprig ran, trying to defet the monster, Me on the other hang trying to save some off the work the shopowner made.

While doing this you found termites. "termites"i muttered "Why would a woodsmith have termites?" You questioned putting them to the side, near anne. "I'm a complicated man!" "fair enough" i shrugged taking some more of his stuff to the side, making sure it didnt get distroyed. Anne, on the other hand, grabbed the termites and releaced them, making them attack the bug/tree monster. "incoming" she yelled, checking everyone was out the way. The termites did there job and attacked the wood beat and left it as a wierd green bug. "Uh..." "This world is messed up." i commented, as the green bug ran away. "Up top!" Anne cheered, high fiving sprig and polly. "We did it!" They celebrated. "That was awesome, you guys!" polly smiled. "Now, let's get this cane back to Hop Pop." Anne said, till loggle came over and snatched it away. "give me that!" He rudely scoffed. "hey!" "What gives, Loggle?" Polly asked. I sighed looking to what i scavinged away from the others. "I'll tell you what gives. This doesn't even begin to cover the damages you've caused to my shop. The only one of you that tried to be carefull is that young uh kid there. You're gonna have to give me something else. Come on. Pony up." He grumbled.

I stood up and walked over to see what to do now. Sprig groaned, pulling out the pen from earlier. "Will this work?" He questioned, handing over the pen that anne gave him. "What? What is this, uh..." "Its a pen, you can click the top and a pen thing come out so you can write with it, it also distracts you, see" I explain, showing him. "Oh.... Oh! I like this. You can go" He shrugged, fixated on the pen. I walked up to anne. "Ill catch up with you, i wanna do something real quick." you said. "alr dude!" she responded walking away with the others.

"Hey uh dude." I say, trying to do something right. "what?" He said looking away from the pen, listening. "I feel bad about distroying your workplace so, here." I commented, giving him a bag of copper, it had to be atleast ten-fiteen coins, but thats all i have on me. "Ill also help you clean up if you would like, im kinda good at that" I say shrugging, giving him a smile. He looked suprised for a while. "Why thank you, i have some cleaning stuff at the back uh-" "y/n" you smiled. "So, if i uh help clean maybe you could show me what you do with this wood carving stuff, when your not busy! and if you wouldnt mind." You ask. "Not many frogs are intrested in this stuff i would be delighted." He smiled.


Hey author here!

Some of these comments are just y/n thinking, and the fact i made her help loggle was to practice, being the nicest she could be, due to her being rude or annoying most of the time, also the wood thing would come helpful in the future so adding that there.

The building thing about y/n, is for when the teacher bit comes up. So yk where the princible is talkking about what sahsha and marcy can do, it will give something for y/n. It also will come in handy for there development. 

Thats alll bai! ^^

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