Cane Crazy.

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y/n/n - your nickname


It was morning in the plantars house. Anne, y/n and sprig where going through annes bag.


"Wow, Anne, look at all your cool stuff! What's this? Ah, I get it. Torture device" Sprig said intrigued at annes backpack stuff. I snorted, "pshh, Annes things are not a torture device's, if it was i would have took them already." I rambled. "Thats a toe nail clipper" Anne said. 'hmmm if you think about it, it could be used as a torture device, maybe.' "Oh, okay, okay, sure. Oh! How about this? What does this do?" Sprig asked, shoving a bike pump in his mouth. Being responsible, I took it out his mouth before he could hurt himself "It's painful, if you put it in your mouth, dont." I explain, then turn to Anne. "Why do u have that in ur bag anyways?". She just shruged. "Oh, and this. Oh, I love this. This is amazing." Sprig eyes sparkled,picking up a pen that anne uses for school, clicking the pen over and over and over. "you know what you can keep it!"

"kids, chow time!" Hoppop yelled.

"Time to eat, time to eat!" We demanded while walking into kitchen, Sitting at the table. "Hold on you kids, Hold on." He tried shushing everyone. "time to eatttt" HopHop handed out the food and everyone stared at it with disgust.


"ugh uh, you know what? I think I'm gonna pass." Anne states. "no offence hoppop, but same, this isnt looking the most, uhm- appetizing. Im not saying its bad but im a picky eater." I explain. Its true as well some foods just put me off, BUT THIS!?!?!? "okay, Y/n, Anne Why? Is my food not good enough for the royals?" He remarked. "Well, if I'm the royal princess, then you're the king of bad cooking" Anne chuckled. "ohhhhhhh" "oh oh ohhhh" sprig and polly hyped Anne. "Oh, yeah? Well, you- uh... I." Hoppop struugled. I stood up, going to our basement room and grabbing the copper coins, in a small brown patch, I earned when I cleaned the house, not long ago. When i came back up stairs, hoppop was gone, and anne was imitating him with his cane??

"-and I cook bad and have a temper problem!"They all started laughing, I even laughed a bit. "That's so Hop Pop!" sprig chortled. "Eat your aphids, don't play with them. Elbows off the table!" Anne playfully continued. Anne was always there to make you and the others laugh at her stupid actions. "Sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting up with you at all!" Anne yelled a little, smaking the cane on the table, to which, broke it. Which immediatly made everyone stop laughing. "Oopsies. Guess I don't know my own strength, right, guys? You guys okay? What's the big deal? It's just one cane." Anne started questioning. "Guys whats wrong, anne broke the cane but it cant be that much of a big deal- uh...r-right?" I started sweating. I really hope this isnt bad. "That wasn't just any cane. It was Hop Pop's special cane, passed down from his father, Hop Poppity Pop, all the way from his father, Hop-and-Lock-Drop Soppity Pop." Sprig explained. "uh-oh" I sighed, looking at anne who looked like she was about to explode.

"Oh! You guys gotta help me. He's gonna kick me out the second he finds out about this. I cannot go back to living in a cave! Snuggling my knees and y/n for warmth.." Anne shivered at the memory,I rolled my eyes and sighed. "ANNE, Calm down i dont think he would kick you out on the streets, also cant we just buy a new cane?" I mentioned, calming down my close friend. "Don't worry, Anne. We'll do whatever it takes to help you." sprig added, I smiled. "Eh, count me out." polly shruged, i think. "Polly!" sprig looked at her. "What? I hardly know her!" She blinked. "Hmmm, polly would you do it for meeee??" I asked. "y/n-" "And this chocolate bar i took out sprigs pocket, that he robbed of anne???" I bribed. "What- how did you-?" Sprig was going to ask, patting down his jacket. "Candy from another world? Y/n, you've got yourself a deal." The pollywog accepted, cutting her brother off. She was starting to like you. "Glad to hear your helping, and getting along with y/n. Now, let's try to save my skin." Anne smiled. "Okay, maybe we can't fix it, Or find a new one, but someone else can? Someone good with... wood?" Anne thought. "I know your good at tech or building or whatever it is y/n, maybe you can try?" Anne looked at me. I sigh, "I wish, i dont have any tools and ive never tried much with wood. Sprig, polly do you know anyone good with wood?" I requested. "Anne, Y/n, you're so smart! We'll just take it to Leopold Loggle, the woodsmith. He loves wood. Almost a little too much." Sprig exlaimed, grossed out at the end scentence.

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