Chapter four

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Love get ready. I said to my 3 year old who was running around the living room. These last 2 days were pretty much talking alot with bianca and seeing Lando. Now is the day of the grand prix and also the day i'll be seeing Carlos again after 4 years. I'd lie if i say that i would love to call lando and tell him i sick but i can't even though i am not feeling that well but that are probably the nerves.

Mama estoy listo. He said and i chuckled. Well i'm ready too so lets go? Sí. He said and we heard the car of reyes pulling up. Jump in. She said and Aròn was born ready for it. We got in the car and she drove to the track. Is this your first time Aròn? Reyes asked and he nod. It is but Lando is showing me around. He happily said and i chuckled. Yeah we're staying at mclaren is that a problem? Of course not..

I'm so thankful that Aròn doesn't understand the fact Reyes and they're whole family is joining so we can skip that question. Once we arrived i helped Aròn out and we said goodbye to Reyes. As soon as i entered the paddock i saw a glimp of carlos heading into the ferrari hospitality. I felt my breath going faster and just tried to continue my way to mclaren where lando was waiting. Uncle Landoo. Hey my cool boy.  He said and he chuckled.

We had a small conversation when suddenly Aròn started feeling thirsty. Lando took us inside to a bar where a men was preparing food. Say what kind of drink you want? Can i have a chocolate milk. He asked and the men nod. Ofcourse you can look he said and gave a small cup to me. Thank you. Aròn said and he chuckled. Enjoy. He said before we sat down somewhere and he drank the chocolate milk.

Look uncle lando is ready to jump in the car. I said and Aròn looked at him. Bye uncle lando good luck. Thank you.

He said and went to the garage. We watched the first practice out of the hospitality and alot happend. Lando had pretty fast times. At the end of the first practice he came over the finish line as 2nd and that was only. Good note for the day after where we could attend lando again.

We we're up early and headed to the track with lando. We watched a formula 2 sprint race and followed lando around a bit before he had to go get ready for the last free practice where they could get some data.

You can do it lando. We both said and he gave us a hug before heading to the garage. Mama when can we go? Aròn asked me and i smiled at him. Before the quali. I wanna go now. He said and got up. Stay here. I said but i saw he wanted to run away Aròn Sainz here. I said and he was quite sad. Sit here and we'll go later.

Mama you don't u understand its my dream. Yes its also my dream you don't get walked over so we'll go when not a lot of people are allowed there.

I still love you-Carlos Sainz fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now