Chapter two

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Arón! I gently said as i raised my voice a little. Sí? I wanna make a deal with you. About my papá? No but if you will listen to me this whole week i will take you to the grand prix this weekend. The one in Barcelona?! My son asked hyped and i nod. Do we have money? We got invited by Lando. I will be nice. he promised me and i nod. But mamá? mhmm? when will i meet papá. one day love, one day. i said mumbling the last part.


Buen dia. Lando said as he walked into my house on Wednesday. Heyy. i said and hugged him. How are you. Tired. I honnestly told him while closing my eyes for a bit. Why? Just life. why? He asked once again and i sighed. I got fired, but luckily i got Arón in pre school the only thing is i can't live like this for long i may have to move back again back to my parents i can't do that. Talk to carlos. Lando suggested and i was not feeling it. i saw he was dating a new girl luza or something i can't go to him. She is a copy of you he probably just misses you. in your dreams lando for real i just feel worse that i do this to his parents. what if i take you to Reyes and you both will talk. I don't know its just something i say now maybe i don't mean it. You do now lets go to reyes it'll make you happier. Lando know your tired and just landed. Stop it. what? you always take care of others around you better then you take care of yourself now dial Reyes her number and aks if she's already in Barcelona. 

Lando. no i don't accept a no. i uhm i don't have her number. i Lied and saw lando grabbing his phone and calling Reyes. he put it on speaker and as soon as she picked up her phone i heard her voice. Hey lando how are you? hey Reyes i'm fine how are you? i'm really good. amazing are you in Barcelona already? I am why? can you come over to ***. Lando said and i heard Reyes agreeing. Lando. i mumbled and he hang up after she said she was on her way. i can't i don't want to. i know how much Reyes ment for you you haven't talked for 4 years. thats why you guys need to get back in contact. i don't even have a choice now but why to my house it looks awful. 

don't worry about it. he said and i already heard a car pulling up in front of my house and not much later the doorbell rang. i'm scared. just open that door. he said and pushed me too it. i felt my legs trembling and my breath got shorter as i opened the door seeing Reyes at my door. Hey Nuria, how are you. Reyes asked me. I'm alright you? You look exhausted oh i missed you. she said real fast after each other and pulled me in a hug.

come inside. i told her as we broke away from the hug and let her in. Hey Lando thanks for calling me up here who's place is this. mine. i asked and Reyes clearly was shocked. love why do you live here. i-i. i struggled and Reyes saw it. I know we havent talked for such a long time but tell me everything okay. i-i have a kid. you do? She says a bit shocked which i ofcourse understand. its Carlos his kid. does he know? she asked me and i shook my head. How old is he. 3. what is his name? Arón Sainz. you did name him Sainz? I did. Does he know Carlos is his father? No i just can't tell him he's such a huge formula 1 fan and i'm scared he will hate me for keeping it a secret that Carlos is his father. 

He will never hate you, you are the kindest person i know, but look how my grandson is growing up its all old here. i know it is but its alright. he needs to pay you custody do you work are you able to? i just got fired but i will find a job soon. she actually barely has money to keep living in Spain. what no that won't happen i'll bring you guys to madrid. no its fine. its not fine you proved alot of times you need to be here se respira españa. she said and i felt a tear fall of my face. Oh no we're not crying in here. She tells me and pulls me into a hug i'll make sure you stay in spain you need to be here. I need to pick up Arón. i said and wiped my tear away as i break the hug. i will go. Lando said and i shook my face. Let me go you should catch up okay. he said and i sighed in defeat.

Maybe its a good thing moving to Madrid.

I still love you-Carlos Sainz fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now