You quickly took off your headphones, excited to talk to the mysterious girl again.

"Hey neighbour" she said with a playful tone in her voice.

"Hey! What are you doing here? Are you stalking me? You said with a serious frown on your face.

A bright smile appeared on the girls face.

"Oh yeah I definitely am" she said laughing. "No actually, I came here to work on my essays, but then I spotted you sitting here and I just had to say hi."

You were glad that she did.

You had been thinking about her non stop since she had knocked on your door two days ago. You had thought of going over to her dorm room, hoping that you and her could get to know each other more. Hoping to at least get her name.

But you realised you were to much of a coward to actually do that. Maybe it seemed to clingy, or desperate. Maybe she would be out and her roommate would be the only one there, and when they opened the door instead of her, you would be sure that the disappointment would overwhelm you and you would be running away in no time.

Therefore, you decided to wait for her to make the next move. You had hope, and you were sure she would want to talk to you again, or that you and her would cross each other in the hall way some time that week.

And it seemed as though you were right.

"Well I'm glad you did, cause last time I saw you I totally forgot to ask you your name." you said, finally getting to have a name to the pretty face.

"It's Max." she said as she brought her hand up.

"y/n." you spoke, grabbing her hand and shaking it.

"So my roommate is going out tonight and I was thinking, that maybe you could come over, and we could get to know each other. That is if you have nothing else to do though" Max said to your surprise.

You weren't expecting her to be speaking to you right now, let alone ask you to hang out with her.

But obviously you were going to accept that invitation, wanting nothing more than to just know who Max was as a person and what the thing was that was so intriguing about her.

"Yes, I would love to!" you said.

"Okay, come over at 6 then, the dorm next to yours" she said with a warm smile.

You nodded at her, as she stood up.

"Alright I'm going to head out now, I don't think I will be able to focus on my essays here, so I'll see you later." Max said.

Disappointment filled the inside off you. You didn't want her to leave yet. You wanted to talk about everything with her.

As she walked away, she turned around once more, she looked over and waved at you, only for her to turn her back you once again after you waved back. Her figure slowly disappearing the farther she walked away from you.

A strange feeling was forming in your stomach.

You recognised this feeling. You missed her. But how could you miss someone who you barely knew? How could you be that attached to Max already?

You didn't know and you didn't want to know.

All you were thinking about was the night that was ahead of you.

You scrolled down on your phone to put your "happy" playlist on, excited to see your neighbour again that night.


It was 6 P.M. and you were standing outside of Max's door. You were extremely nervous.

It took you an hour to get ready, as you didn't know what was appropriate for the night.

You didn't want to come in wearing pyjamas, you had to impress Max. But you didn't want to put to much effort into the outfit either, you didn't want to risk being overdressed.

You left a complete mess behind in your room. Your straightener was lying on you bed, makeup was all scattered over your desk, and the floor was filled with multiple clothes that were all failed outfit options.

You knocked on the door, thinking it would open almost immediately, but you were wrong.

It took a few seconds for her to walk over, and in those few seconds you were already overthinking the whole situation.

Did you just get bailed on? Did she just ask you to come over while she was gone too, to humiliate you.

Luckily, the door had been opened before your mind could overthink too much.

"Hey, you look good, want to come in?" Max said as she checked you out.

"Yeah thank you." You said as you stepped foot in to her room, a blush creeping up your cheeks.

Although the layout of the room was completely the same, it looked very different from your and Sophies room.

Unlike yours, it was very clean. No clothes on the floor, no makeup on the desks and no straightener on the beds.

There were posters hanging on the walls, with what you were assuming, Max's favourite bands.

The room looked very cozy and put together. You wondered how they managed to get the room to look so good in such a small amount of time.

Max was standing behind you as she watched you admire the room.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"It looks so good. Way better than me and my roommates. It's so clean!" you said, still looking around.

"Well I cleaned it for you, didn't want you to come in and hang out with me in a rats nest." She said, laughing.

Did she really clean it all just for you.

"Wait you did?" you asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, now come on and sit down."


You and Max ended up having so much fun. You found out that she was from California too. And that her mom was Sam Fox, who you loved when you were younger, so it made sense that you were so fascinated by Max.

The conversations between you flowed so easily. You felt as if you had known Max for years.

When you looked at your phone, you saw it was already midnight.

"Shit It's already 12. I really have to go" you sighed as you stood up.

You really didn't want to leave, but you had to. Tomorrow you had more work to make and more essays to write, and you weren't going to be able to if you didn't get enough sleep.

"Nooo, that's such a bummer. I really don't want you to leave." She said pouting.

You laughed. "I know Max, I don't want to leave either, but I really have to. we should to this again sometime."

"Yeah for sure. Can I have your number so we can plan something?"



That night you went to sleep with the biggest smile on you face. Feeling warm inside of how much you appreciated the time you spent with your neighbour that day, and feeling grateful that you got to know her better,

Hopefully she would text you soon.

A/N:So finally a Max oneshot. This one is pretty rushed, mostly because I wanted toget something out there for you guys, since its been a few days since I've lastupdated. Sorry if the proofread sucks, let me know if you find any mistakes. Alsolmk if yall want a part twooo.(wordcount: 1671)

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