"Ms. Myurs I gone tell my mommy you nice." Kenarie stated, tugging on Eryzo's shirt.

Eryzo coughed to clear her throat. "That'll be nice babe. Go have some fun." She nodded. Kenarie giggled, running off to start her 'play school.'

Eryzo sat on the bench and opened her hard copy book— Heaven Warrior, by JasdarealDon. She loved reading and as soon as she found out her favorite author was publishing a hard copy of her book she made sure to pre-order. Not only did she pre-order, but she went to the book release and got the author's autograph.

"Hey boo, how is it going so far?" Her coworker, Tia, asked. Tia was a second grade grade teacher, but she had been teaching for three years. Tia was the one who recommended Eryzo for the opening teacher spot. After Eryzo substituted for her class multiple times, she knew that she would be the perfect fit.

"It's actually going good, but I have tea." Eryzo chuckled, marking her page.

"I'm listening."

"So remember I told you how Kyler took me to the club and I ended up getting a private dance from Felony?" Eryzo brought up. After gaining a nod she continued. "So long story short she shows up yesterday and turns out her daughter is in my class."

Tia burst out laughing. "You lying, the one who was finna turn you out?"

"Oh my god Tia and she kept smirking at me. I'm literally so embarrassed because I had to excuse myself to get myself back together." Eryzo whined. "I was so flustered."

"You should go back and see her." Tia suggested. "I'll come with you."

"I don't know. I feel like it's kinda inappropriate now that I know her daughter is in my class. I don't want to make myself look weird or something."

"Girl bye, it's not inappropriate. Y'all are two grown adults and nobody can control what you do outside of this school." Tia replied.

Eryzo sighed, "You're right. I think I'm gonna go back tonight. Justin probably will be at work."

Tia rolled her eyes at the sound of his name. She couldn't stand him with a passion. Eryzo was way out of Justin's league and she made it known everytime he came up. She could see straight through him and from what she saw he didn't deserve Eryzo.

"Speaking of Justin, why was Kyler at my house yesterday with him?" Eryzo scoffed, as she skimmed the playground to check on her kids.

"By herself? For what?" Tia jerked her head back. "Ilani get down from there!"

"Yeah she claims to get her wand curlers. She took a uber and when I came in they were both coming from the kitchen. Not to mention that she had a hickey on her neck." Eryzo sighed. "I could be overthinking though, right?"

"Hell no. Don't piss me off Ery. You know damn well you not overthinking. It's right in ya face. Whoops excuse my language." Tia shook her head. "No you're not overthinking, that's weird as hell. Why couldn't she wait until you were home to get it? Matter fact how long was she there?"

"I don't know, I asked and they both brushed it off. Justin even degraded me and told me to get like Kyler as if he admires her." She replied. "I want to confront both of them, but I know it'll turn into a huge argument with them both manipulating the situation."

Tia only shook her head at the unproblematic girl in front of her. "Babe you need to do something. Both of them are out of line on this. She's weird for even going there knowing that you weren't there and he's weird for just breathing. I been told you to kick both of they ass to the curb because at this point they playing in your face and I don't like that."

Eryzo nodded her head, taking Tia's words into consideration. She and Kyler had been best friends since high school and before yesterday she could never see herself being stabbed in the back by the person she trusted the most. She tried to reevaluate the situation to make sure that she wasn't overreacting, and she came up with the fact that she wasn't.

Kyler had always been the complete opposite of Eryzo. She was the wild one and most people labeled her as 'boy crazy'. Throughout high school, she was known for being a side piece. She always slept around with other girls men and never saw the wrong in it.

Eryzo always told her to slow down, but Kyler simply replied with, 'You only get one life, live it to the fullest.'

Kyler always defended Eryzo throughout high school which is how they became best friends. She was always the fighter while Eryzo avoided problems at all costs. In a way Eryzo felt like she owed Kyler— which is why they were still friends. Kyler was all she knew as far as a close friend and with her attachment issues she knew it would be hard to cut her off.

"Plus when you kick they ass to the curb you can be with your sneaky link dancer, Felony." Tia smirked.

Eryzo covered her face to mask herself from blushing. "Oh my gosh, I have never been with a girl. Plus she probably seduces all of her clients like that. I'm sure I'm nobody special."

"Go back tonight and find out."


annddd scene! another chapter out for your guys.

thank you all for the love on the first chapter. I know it's gone be hard to get my votes and comments back up since I been gone, but I have faith in y'all.

anywho..so Eryzo's bestfriend, Kyler, is very weird. She's sneaky. What y'all think going on between her and Eryzo's boyfriend, Justin?

Justin is an ass! Y'all think he treats Eryzo that way because he know she won't leave?

And please don't beat Eryzo down too much. It was mentioned that she attachment issues, so it'll be hard for her. HOWEVER I can't wait until she leave his ass in the dust!

On the other hand Tia is encouraging Eryzo to go see Serenity, Felony, again. Y'all think she should?

Y'all think she'll encourage Eryzo to get with Serenity 👀

vote, comment, and share pls!!

follow me kids! Almost to 5k


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