Part 1 | Guns and bitches

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hyunjin pov

"yah... i don't have time for this..." i muttered, slamming my hand on the table. "you always tell me 'guns and bitches', but you don't even do it yourself..." 

"yah, you think i have the luxury of time? 'guns and bitches' my ass. you're even married for fucks sake, hyunjin!" minho grunted, eating his chicken.

"minho, leave him alone..." han shook his head, taking a bite of his tteokbokki. 

"it's like a record that doesn't fucking stop... all i hear in my head 'jinnie... get me this... jinnie... get me that' i don't even like wonyoung..." i sighed, grabbing my chopsticks and taking han's tteokbokki.

"yah!" han shouted but shut up after i glared at him. 

"jinnie-ya~" wonyoung giggled, clinging to my arm. 

"we're at school. fuck off." i flung her away and continued eating my ramyeon. 

"yah, if you're going to be my husband, act the part." she glared, taking another pair of chopsticks and taking my ramyeon. 

"i don't even love you." i shooed her away and she left, slamming her chopsticks on the table. 

"dramatic much." han chuckled. 

i shrugged and took more of the food, as minho obsessed over his k-drama. he was dating han, yet... why was he so interested in boys on a netflix show? i mean, i don't blame him. i lent forward and stuffed my face with food, watching the show with the other 2, before jeongin ran in and panted. 

"yah! what took you so long? it was just a coke!" minho huffed, snatching the drunk from jeongin and gulping at least a quarter of it down. 

"sorry, hyung... but why do i have to be the one doing it?" jeongin whined, digging in the bag he just brought and taking out a pack of gummies. 

"we have food for you here! 바보야... 너... 우리가 음식을 주문할 때 너를 생각하지 않는다고 생각하지 않지? (stupid... you... you don't think we don't think about you when we order food, right?) 먹다. (eat.)" minho sighed, clearly ignoring his question. "이제 다시 태양의 후예 보러 갑시다. 당신은 그것을 망치고 있습니다. (now let me go back to watching descendants of the sun. you're ruining it.)" 

han and i laughed at minho's antics, then continued eating our food, before jeongin sat next to me and started eating his food, before wooyoung came in and slammed a bunch of papers on the desk, sighing and stuffing his heads in his books. 

"what's wrong now..." han asked as i shoved a bowl of food to wooyoung. 

"you won't believe it... the professor is asking me to do even more work, but there's no extra credit!" wooyoung grumbled, taking minho's chicken. 

we just laughed, as i continued watching the kdrama with minho, before someone suddenly tripped over the plastic bag that wonyoung threw on the floor. yeah, i was friends with my "wife's" brother. 

"are you okay?" i asked, helping him up. 

"y-yeah... t-thank you for helping me..." he bowed and i lightly held his wrist. 

"you look hungry. come, join me and my friends for a little bit, we just bought food and it's really a lot for 5 people to finish." i smiled and grabbed his books that were scattered on the floor. "i'm hyunjin, he's minho, he's han, he's jeongin, and he's woo- oh god..." 

"why, what's up?" he asked as they watched me bury my head into my hands. 

"jinnie~ can i borrow... 10,000,000 won?" wonyoung clung onto my arm and i shook my head, going back to flinging her away. "you're my husband! give me the money!"

"JANG WONYOUNG! CAN YOU STOP SAYING THAT I'M YOUR HUSBAND?" i screamed, spilling my water that i was holding previously all over my shirt. "NO MEA-" 

"no means no. i don't know you, but he's clearly upset, so leave." the guy cut me off. 

wonyoung huffed again and left with her friend, while i brought up the party i was about to hold next week. 

one week later

"dump wonyoung, get felix..." that kept repeating in my head. 

today was my major party and i was PREPARED to dump wonyoung. i had already signed the divorce papers, and we we're going to hide the divorce papers with a paper that would be given from her fans.

i stood further away, but far enough to hear their conversation. 

"wonyoung-ah! i'm a huge fan! could you sign here?" the undercover fan pointed to the corner we needed her to sign. 

"sure, sure." wonyoung smiled and signed it. i had done what i was gonna do. divorced, amazing. now to show it to her. 

"and i'll take that." i grabbed the poster from the fan and removed the sleeve. "no more calling me your husband. my lawyer will be here to collect the documents soon. i have approval from my parents. i want all the bags back."

"what? no, this is a joke right? give it to me!" she tried snatching the paperwork but i held it in the air. 

"go." minho said out of nowhere, which managed to shoo her away. 

"fuck yeah, i'm single now." i laughed. 

"not for long. go, he's there." minho pointed to felix. 

i smiled and gave the paperwork over to minho, he's my right hand man after all, i trust him. i walked over to felix and tapped his shoulder, the other turning around and waving at me. he looked surprised, not too sure why. 

"hey, why do you look so surprised?" i asked. 

"oh, hi! i thought you'd be with someone, wonyoung, is her name? isn't she your wife?" felix asked.

"i just divorced her. the papers are with minho." i shrugged. "you didn't come with anyone?"

"no, i didn't. no one likes me anyways. i gotta thank you, minho, han and wooyoung. you guys always include me... thanks." felix smiled. 

"no worries." i said before hearing my favourite slow dance song. i extended my hand for him and asked, "can i have this dance, felix?"

"you can, hyunjin." felix smiled and took my hand. 

we walked to the dance floor and i held his waist while he held my shoulder and we danced the slow dance effortlessly. i knew he took dance classes, so only today, i found out he did slow dance too...

"you're not a bad dancer, felix." i smiled. 

"neither are you." felix smiled.

the rest of the night was just filled with dancing, laughter, drinks, shouting, and just... a nice party. i wouldn't trade the world for it. i was spending time with felix. i didn't have the guts to ask him out - fun for a mafia boss, right - and just decided to shut up about the reveal.

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