It flew in from the direction of the terrace. When it saw Ruan Qiu appear, he was not afraid of people at all. A pair of dark eyes threw at him.

"I found it!"

In the abandoned area, in the cockpit of the starship, the short man's eyes suddenly lit up.

The tall man came over from the side, and the picture sent back by the mechanical bird appeared on the screen, and a line of prompts kept flashing.

"Discover the target person."

The short man continued to operate remotely, ready to let the mechanical bird peck Ruan Qiu and take away his blood.

Just as the mechanical bird flapped its wings and was about to pounce on Ruan Qiu, Zhao Jiang happened to appear in the corridor.

He approached quickly, raised his hand in front of Ruan Qiu in time, and said in surprise, "Where did the bird come from?"

Seeing the failure, the short man immediately let the mechanical bird jump in the direction, crossed the corridor and left from the terrace, disappearing high in the sky.

"It's a pity," he sighed, "but I finally found someone, and it's easy to do next."

The short man entered the coordinates just now on the display screen, so that all the other mechanical birds flew to the location of Ruan Qiu.

They can't be exposed to the inhabitants of the planet, they can only look for another opportunity, and mechanical birds need very little energy, which looks like ordinary birds and should not be found.

Sure enough, Zhao Jiang just wondered for a moment and said to Ruan Qiu, "This bird is probably hungry and fainted. If you dare to come here to attack people, come into the house quickly."

At the same time, Xiyuan looked up into the air.

His whole body was exposed to the sun, and the poisonous light seemed to have no impact on him, and his handsome side face was plated with a layer of red light.

Qi Li is talking to someone and wants to buy the alloy and energy screen in the other party's warehouse.

There were also several people around who were very afraid of the appearance of attack abys, and the transaction was very smooth.

Qi Li paid the money and turned around. Suddenly, he heard Xi Yuan say, "Give me a gun."

His aura was so strong that he didn't wait for Qi Li's reaction. Someone around him had already taken the initiative to hand over his weapon: "Look at this..."

This is an ion gun shaped like a bow and a crossbow, which was assembled by this man himself.

Xi Yuan took it over, and when he was about to point the muzzle at the high altitude, he pulled the trigger neatly.


Half an hour later, Qi Li finally found the mechanical bird hit by the attack abyss in a pile of ruins in the distance.

The mechanical bird has completely lost its ability to move, and the center of the body has been penetrated, revealing the inner mechanical body.

Qi Li was shocked: "This thing seems to be very advanced. Whose is it?"

Xi Yuan took the mechanical bird in his hand, looked at it a few times, and then threw it to Qi Li: "There are other people here."

And it was not exposed to the inhabitants of the planet, and only the detection-type mechanical bird was used to observe the situation.

And this thing is indeed very advanced, and it is by no means something that ordinary people can have.

Qi Li began to be frightened. Before Xi Yuan left, why did someone sneak up to this garbage star?

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