'this... You despicable bastards!!'

The chairman was already soaked in melancholy.

Fans of the group, who generously cut out documentaries to save Cha Yu-jin, are probably shedding tears while watching the broadcast.

And somehow, she also felt her nose go sour.

It was strange that the chairman's atmosphere was so heated up that it wasn't.

"under... ... ."

She admitted that she was unfamiliar with herself, who had become full of emotions.

'Okay, I'll get through it for now... .'

It won't last long, but given the magic of the concert and this kind of seasoning, of course it had to be effective.

'The atmosphere will improve for a while after the con ends... .'

However, the preparations of the members did not end here.

[Prepare for an encore]

Under the subtitles that appeared in the video, a silent scene of the members ordering and eating chicken in the studio while talking passed by.

And even entering the recording booth in comfortable clothes.

[In other countries, they sang famous songs in that country. therefore... I think it would be good in Korea as well.]

The screen where I took a short memo written in handwriting turned black again.

The soft sound of the guitar reached its climax and subdued.

and subtitles.

[Celebrating the birth of Testa]


[The year Testa was all in Korea, the song most people listened to]

The stage opens, and dry ice is gently pushed out, awakening the smell of the stage.

And instead of the medley of "Idol, Inc.", a lyrical accompaniment rich in melody began to flow.

"... !"

A familiar and good melody.

A carol sampling song released at the end of the year when Cha Yujin and Kim Raebin, the youngest members of Testa, were born.

[I'm getting better]

Arranged as a Korean-style ballad, the carol beautifully rang the venue.

And on the open stage floor, the lift slowly rose from under the dry ice.

The members, dressed in neat winter casual clothes, were standing on top of it.

Bae Se-jin, wearing a coat, took up the microphone first.

-When an insignificant mistake becomes a wound

When it seems like it's about to collapse at a small wound

The voice that wasn't too technical was somehow sincere.

-I just sit by the window

I think of myself in the next year

Seon Ah-hyun raised a clear bass note.

And Lee Se-jin adds chords and sings the next line.

- On the same day in the same season

When I suddenly think and look back

The orchestra sounded. The live band, which had been making a strong sound throughout the concert, stopped the electronic instruments and piled up the notes with soft string and keyboard instruments.

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