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Episode 281

Testa Roommate content was mainly short videos that ended in one or two episodes.

But in addition to grandiose numbering of seasons, zombies?

Even if you can't analyze the specific reason, it comes intuitively.

'This... It'll be fun!'

Expectations for content that would be fun even if such a simple reaction were expected rose all the time.

The thumbnails and titles that drew aggro properly had the magic that even people who would have forgotten about them thinking 'I'll have to watch this on the weekend' clicked on the video.

It was the same with graduate students.

After she went home, washed and tidied up, she intended to replay it with a reverent heart, but she just played the video on the subway.

'Thanks, Bluetooth earphones!'

The first thing I heard was an elegant string instrument classic.

Danda dandadara~

[Today's story]

[Researcher: Through the scientific method! We will find and match the most suitable roommates between you.]

[Testa: Wow! (Glitter)]

Then, along with a bright recorder BGM somewhere, a testa came out with her eyes shining and clapping her hands.

[Testa's curiosity and pleasure... .]

[Kim Rae-bin (cute maknae): It was an amazing experience. I think I'll get to know myself more deeply!]

[Seon Ah-hyun (Deer): Wouldn't this be warmer... ?]

However, with black subtitles and bleak sound effects, the atmosphere changes completely.

[Sublimated into a zombie!]

[Kim Rae-bin: Ahhh!]

[Lee Se-jin (deaf): Hehe!]

Kim Rae-bin screaming in the air vent, Ryu Cheong-wu sliding with a laser gun, and Cha Yu-jin clinging to furniture in the dark passed by.

Lastly, the members run through the smoky hallway with flickering lights.

[Testa: Ugh!!]

[↑ Fooled by the producers again]


The graduate student hurriedly shut his mouth. It was so funny, but I couldn't make a sound, so I felt like my stomach would explode.

[♡Always makes shooting fun♡]

'Hold on! Be patient!'

Not to become a subway lunatic, she took a deep breath as best she could.

Still, I couldn't take my eyes off the video. Because it was already fun!

Now, the video was subtitled with a magnificent OST parodying the opening of a famous sci-fi classic movie.

[May XX, a research institute in Ilsan]

[The testa members who have been reassigned roommates gather together again (in fact, they are always gathered), recalling the previous three roommate assignments. However, there is a conspiracy of the evil Kwanjong production team... ... ... .]

In the background of the black universe, the highlights of past roommate videos pass by.

Bae Se-jin, who was swindled, Cha Yoo-jin, who won first place, and Park Moon-dae, who threw a card and chased Lee Se-jin... .

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