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After a long day, Lynn is surprised to find herself already drifting off to sleep as soon as her body hits the bed. She raises her head slightly, meeting her puppy's eyes in front of her and smiles. "You want on the bed too?" She asks. She reaches over and pets Dove on the head before sitting up and patting the bed softly.

Dove hesitates for a moment before jumping onto the bed. Lynn smiles as she pets her dog behind the ears. This was technically her first actual pet, besides the fish she had when she was growing up. "You're not allowed to have your filthy dog on the bed."

Lynn's smile fades as she looks up and sees Rufus with a smug look. "Sorry, I don't think i fucking asked you," She says.

"You will when Merlin finds out," Rufus says.

"Boohoo, cry me a river twat," Lynn says. "This isn't some fancy mansion. Sorry it's not like at home where you get everything your way because your 80 year old daddy is fucking some 20 year old he met at a strip club."

"You don't know anything about my house," Rufus scoffs.

Lynn squints her eyes at him. "No, I don't. But I do know you're a spoiled cunt who cries if he doesn't get his way. Fuck off."

Rufus mumbles something under his breath before storming off. Lynn sighs as she leans to put her back against the wall, petting her dog. She glances over at the bed next to her, which belonged to Eggsy, and was surprised to see he still wasn't back from taking a shower. His poor pug sat alone sadly on the bed.

"J.B," Lynn calls out. "C'mere boy. C'mere," She says. The pug looks up and stands before jumping off of Eggsy's bed and jumping onto Lynn's. She smiles as she now pets both of the dogs in front of her. "Sorry your owner is slow. I think I may have to steal you though, your face is adorable."

"Oh so now you're taking my dog?"

"Yes actually, you took too long in the shower, he was sad," Lynn says. "Isn't that right J.B?" She grins as she pets the dog.

Eggsy rolls his eyes as he picks up the dog and carries him back to his bed before placing him down.

Lynn was already under her covers by the time the lights went out. She was tired, and she was going to get the sleep she deserved after what felt like such a weird day.

Just as she felt like she was drifting off to a deep sleep, being able to see the dream that her mind had begun to conjure up, something stops her from completely falling asleep.


Lynn's eyes open as she throws her blanket off of her quickly, but as she looks over and sees only Eggsy drenched in water, she has a clue as to what's going on.

Eggsy looks like he's about to fight the group of boys, and Lynn doesn't blame him at all. "C'mon then!" He says angrily as he gets in Charlie's face.

"What's wrong, mate? Can't take a joke?" Charlie says sneeringly.

"Eggy, it ain't worth getting kicked out over these pricks," Lynn says. "Though I wouldn't be completely opposed to you kicking their asses."

"Maybe I don't give a fuck about getting kicked out!" Eggsy yells.

Charlie scoffs. "Do it, come on you pleb."

"Fuck off, Charlie," Lynn says as he shoves him forward. "You don't intimidate anyone. Fucking twat."

Charlie looks at Lynn with a mocking sad face. "Aww," He mocks before turning away and walking off.

"Yeah, go on. Walk away, dickhead!

Eggsy rolls his eyes as he huffs. "C'mon, J.B," He says as he picks up the dog. "C'mon, good boy."

"I don't think they'll like it much if we go out there right now since we're supposed to be in bed," Lynn says. "Here just— take my bed, I guess."

Eggsy shakes his head. "Lynn, I couldn't couldn't that—"

"Just take it," Lynn says. "Before I change my mind. Go change into some dry clothes. I don't want my bed to be wet as well."

Eggsy sets J.B down before he quickly runs off to the bathroom with an extra set of clothes. Lynn sighs and stares at the bed in disgust. She makes a face as she slowly sits on the bed, her clothes immediately getting soaked in water. "Gross."

She lays down and shudders. She was going to be miserable, but there wasn't any going back now. She'd already been too nice and told Eggsy he could sleep in her bed. She regrets it deeply, but as long as her friend's happy, she guesses.

Eggsy returns and carefully climbs into the bed to the right of Lynn. "Only problem is Dove will have to sleep with you," Lynn says. "No way I'm making her sleep on this."

"Yeah, that's fine," Eggsy says. He pats the bed and soon J.B jumps onto the bed, settling next to Dove. "Sorry for the inconvenience."

Lynn rolls over and faces away from Eggsy, shrugging it off. "It's fine."

It's safe to say, though, that she did not get any sleep that night.

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