☆ nineteen ☆

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july 5th, 2019

A few months had passed and the death threats and horrible names Alina was being called never stopped. Charles, Lando, Lewis and and Max have called out their 'fans' behaviour and have asked them more than once to stop, and it was getting to a point where the majority of the drivers were now getting involved. Alina was in LA, having lunch with her two friends, Cameron Boyce and Joshua Bassett as they discussed everything.

"So, how are you two?" Cam asked as Alina sipped her coffee.

"We're really good," she said, "he's been so incredible with everything. I miss him all the time, but given my schedule, it's not possible to see him at the moment, but for the Belgium race I'm going to go see him and surprise him."

"That's adorable," Josh said as the blonde grinned.

"I'm really happy for you," Cam said. "I mean it, after all the shit that's happened, or still happening, it's good you've still got someone who's going to stick by you through everything."

"Thank you," Alina said smiling, "it means a lot."

The hours flew by and before Alina knew it, she had spent almost eight hours just chatting with Josh and Cam.

"I got you a surprise," Cam said before they departed.

"What is it?" she asked.

He grinned as he got out two tickets from his pocket.

"Here," he said smiling. Alina looked at her friend confused before she looked down and her eyes went wide.

"A flight to London?" she asked, looking up.

"I know how much you've missed him," Cam said, "so I messaged your brother and we've arranged it. Your flight is tonight at midnight, you should get into London at 10am, then head straight to Silverstone. They're all there, Max confirmed it."

"Oh my god, thank you!" she said, her eyes watering with happiness as she hugged her friend tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Cam laughed and hugged Anna  back just as tight.

"You're welcome," he said. "Now, I will see you when you get back from your trip. Enjoy it, because you don't appreciate a good thing until it's gone."

"Always the wise one," Alina said laughing. "Thank you again Cam."

"You're welcome," he said, "now hurry, you need to make a flight." Alina beamed, hugged her friend one more time, said goodbye to Josh, before they all went their separate ways.

The next day, Alina was driving through Towcester, about five minutes away, her music loud and her hair blowing behind her when her phone rang. She clicked the button on her steering wheel and answered it through the car.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Alina, hey."

It was Victor Boyce, Cam's father.

"Victor, hey," Alina said happily but slightly confused. "What's up?"

"Are, are you driving at the moment?" he asked. He sounded like he'd be crying.

"Yeah," she said confused, "what's going on?"

"You'll need to pull over for this," Victor said as Alina, confused, pulled over to the side of the road, just before Silverstone. She grabbed her phone, took it off the car speaker and put it to her ear.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to be the one to tell you this," he said as his voice shook, "but, Cam, he er, he died last night." Alina  let out a laugh.

"What?" she asked chuckling, "no, that's ridiculous, I saw him yesterday."

"Alina," Victor said, "I got a call from Karan this morning, and he told me that he f-found Cam. He had a seizure in his sleep and died."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," the blonde said, her eyes watering as she put her hand over her mouth. "If you need anything, please just call me. But thank you for telling me."

"Alina, are you alright?" Victor asked

"That's not important right now," she said, "I'll be fine. Focus on yourself, Libby and Maya. Please."

"I will," Victor said, "Cam truly valued and loved you like a sister. I'm thankful he had a friend like you. You meant so much to him." Even thought Alina said nothing, Victor knew how much it meant to her. "Take care Alina."

"You too," the blonde said before Victor hung up. Alina  very quickly felt her sadness disappear into anger as she got her phone and called Christian.

"Alina! Long time no speak, everything okay?"

"I need a favour," she said, shaking.

"What's up?"

Half an hour later, all the drivers were intrigued when they heard the powerful noise of a car engine speeding around the track. They were all impressed, the car was reaching speeds of over 200 mph and taking the corners are very dangerous speeds to the point where it almost crashed and flipped over several times.

"Who is that?" Lando asked as they winched as the car almost crash into the wall.

"I dunno," Lewis said as the car came to a stop by the finish line. As Charles looked closer, his eyes went wide.

"No fucking way," he said before he practically sprinted towards the car.

When he ran to the car, he saw Alina sat there, tears rolling down her cheeks as she was gripping the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles were going white.

"What the hell?" he asked, sounding terrified as he looked at Alina. Alina looked up at him and her lip began to tremble.

"Cam died last night," she said, "his dad called me on the way here."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry mon amour," Charles said as Alina stared straight ahead. "But that doesn't mean you need to drive like that, you could have been seriously hurt." Alina said nothing. "Come on, get out the car. I'll drive and we'll go somewhere just the two of us, yeah?"

Alina nodded as she got out the car and Charles' eyes went wide.

"You did that in heels?!"

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