Chapter 5

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Kate was ecstatic for her first ever sold out show at Madison Square Garden. She had worked hard to get to where she was now and the moment felt surreal. As she walked onto the stage, the crowd roared with excitement. She performed flawlessly, her lyrics captivating the audience.

However, just as she was about to perform her last song, gunshots echoed through the arena. People started screaming and running, trying to escape the chaos. Kate tried to run backstage, but a bullet hit her in the chest, causing her to collapse on the ground.

Her friends, Kd, Ben, Babyjoe, and Boomer rushed to her side, trying to help her. They were all in shock, never having experienced anything like this before. They didn't know what to do, but they knew they had to act quickly.

The paramedics arrived soon after and rushed Kate to the hospital. The doctors told them that Kate was in a coma and they didn't know when she would wake up. Her friends were devastated, unable to believe what had happened.

Days turned into weeks, and Kate remained in a coma. Her friends stayed by her side, hoping for her to wake up. When she finally did, she had lost her memory of everyone she knew, except for her best friend Myra.

Myra was overjoyed to see Kate awake, but also saddened that she didn't remember her other friends. She tried to help Kate regain her memories, but it was a slow and difficult process.

Throughout it all, NbaYoungBoy stayed by Kate's side, trying to make amends for his past mistakes. He vowed to be there for her no matter what, even if she didn't remember who he was.

Kate's future in music was uncertain, but her friends and NbaYoungBoy were determined to support her and help her get back on her feet. They knew it would be a long road ahead, but they were willing to do whatever it takes for their friend's recovery.

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