Chapter 2

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Present Time


I sat there with Reg on my lap after remembering why the Ministry was after her.

"She's not coming back..." I said quietly, a tear dropping from my face.

I laid down on the couch, Reg moved to sit on my chest.

"Please don't leave me.." I said looking into his emerald green eyes. "I'm serious, don't leave me." I added.

I closed my eyes, the last few tears falling out, knowing I would never see my mother again. 

Five Years Later

Reg and I were walking along Diagon alley when we pasted Ollivanders Wand Shop.

"I wonder when I get my wand." I say looking into the shop. Thats when it hits me, I look down at Reg who's looking back up at me, and I swear he's smiling. 

"It's my birthday!" I shout.

Reg and I start running back to the house. When we get there there's an owl sitting on the wood fence with a letter in it's beak.

I grab the letter and read it.


Dear Ms Y/L/N, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list a of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"Reg I get to go to Hogwarts!" I look at him happily. "Reg, keep the owl here and if it tries to fly away stop it. I'm gonna go write my letter back." I say running inside.

I enter the letter room and start writing my reply. I'm not sure what to write but I try my best.


Dear Hogwarts,

I am pleased to be accepted into the school. I will get my items by July 31.

Sincerely, Y/N Y/L/N.


I put the letter in an envelope and seal it. 

I sprint down the stairs and out the door. When I get outside I see Reg sitting on the owl.

"Reg!" I shout. "I mean- thank you for keeping the owl here but did you have to sit on it?" I ask him.

As I approach Reg he gets off the owl. The owl looks at me and I put the letter in its beak and it flies off.

"The suns going down Reg, we'll head inside and get the stuff tomorrow ok?" I look down at him. 

Reg looks at me, blinks, and walk inside. I follow after him.

We've had Reg in the family for as long as I can remember. I'm pretty sure my parents did something to him so he doesn't age. He never gets tired, he is the same cat from when I was little.

It's like Reg speaks to me just through how he's acting, or when he stares at me I can tell he's saying something. I know when I talk to him on the streets people look at me like I'm crazy, because there's not way a cat could understand someone. But I know for a fact Reg can understand me, and I can understand him. He's my best friend.

I walk into the kitchen and Reg is sitting on the counter by the faucet. I grab his bowl and fill it up with water and give it to him. My parents always told me never to give him milk. Which confused me because I always thought cats like milk, but apparently Reg doesn't. Or your just not supposed to give cats milk. But even if I tried to give him milk, he doesn't drink it.

I put food in his other bowl and slide it across the counter, stopping right at him.

I open the freezer and find a frozen pizza. I put it in the oven and wait.

"I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you Reg." I say sitting up on the counter with him.

Finally the pizza came out of the oven. I put it on a plate and walked over to the couch and started watching TV. I flipped through the channels and found a movie called Indiana Jones on, it seemed interesting so I kept it on.


The movie finished, I got ready for bed and then got into bed.

"Night Reg." I said stroking Reg before falling asleep.

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