Midnight Channel (Pt. 2)

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You look around, feeling interrogated. What was this for?
"Um.. may I help you?"

They stepped back a bit, realizing that they may have startled you.
"My apologies," Naoto said. "We don't mean to frighten. We were just wondering if by chance you had experienced abnormal activities recently."

Unusual experiences...?

"No... so can I go now?" You tried pushing your way through, but they wouldn't budge. They were really determined to speak with you. Yosuke spoke up,
"(Y/n) - san, let us explain. We get that you're new, so there's something you're not understanding."

"Okayy.. what is it?"

"You were on the midnight channel last night. And this means that you are going to be kidnapped next."

"Kidnapped..?" The rumors started to bombard your memory. You did hear something about this when the news was on at your old house.

"There has been a series of kidnappings here in Inaba and they are all related to the Midnight Channel. Whoever is broadcasted on it is a warning- they will disappear next. We want to protect you."

Uh, what?
It didn't really add up.. what criminal would just give away hints of their next target? And in addition, no one really knows who you are. Why would they go after you?

"Ehaha.. listen I appreciate the concern, but I'm not sure I believe you, sorry.. it just seems a little.. vague."

Yosuke sighed, which tugged a string in your heart.
"Just.. (y/n) - san, whatever you do, do not answer the door for strangers tonight. Got it?"

You felt a little weirded out, but complied anyway.

And because of that scenario, you began to feel uncomfortable.
What if it was true?

Teddie stepped in.
"Oh I know, Yosuke! You should let her stay at your place tonight since you guys seem to get along!!"

"W-what? Uh, shes a girl! And she doesn't really believe us anyway, I can't just ask that of her-"
You thought about it for a bit.
If you went missing, it would only burden your brother further, and if Naoto-kun is with them in this, that probably means what they have to say is true.
"Wait, Yosuke-kun, if thats ok I really don't mind.. I thought about it for a bit and I'm honestly kind of scared.." you fidgeted your fingers at the slightly-intimate request.

Your brother always disagrees with you staying at a guys house, but you want whatever you can do to stay out of his way since he tries so hard to raise you.

"Oh, well okay. Meet me after school I guess." He faced the opposite way, trying to hide his flushed face. Shortly after, Teddie whispered something in his ear, which made him blush more.
"Okay Teddie, now get out of my face!! That damn bear.."
After School

You met up with Yosuke and began to walk to his house with him.
"Yosuke-kun, I'm sorry to intrude.. you really don't have to let me over." You looked away, hiding your face out of embarrassment.

"No its not like that (y/n)-san, I do want you over!"

"You want me over?" You blushed harder at his words, which caused him to stammer.

"Wait, no- I don't want you over- no I mean I do! What I meant was I do, but not like that, and- agh, never mind, I probably sound like a total loser right now." He sighed, burying his face in his hands.

He was kind of cute.

"I don't think you're a loser, Yosuke-kun." You smiled at him. As a response, he chuckles awkwardly, the adorable laugh he gives off when he's nervous.

"You think so?"
"Well, we're here now. No one else is home right now, so make yourself feel welcome."

"Great, thank you Yosuke-kun!"
You both head up to his room, which contained a couch along with a TV, desk, bed, his bike, and more. You set your phone on his desk, which was across from the couch.
Yosuke sat down.
"U-uh, take a seat. If you want to."
You sat down next to him, the both of you not realizing that the couch was a bit small for the both of you. As a result, you were very close to each other, which caused awkward silence.

*Pi Pi Pi!..*
"I'm sorry, one second-"
You got a text on your phone. You bent over Yosuke to grab it, not realizing your hand placement. Your hand caressed his thigh while reaching over, which lead him to let out a little moan. The noise startled you, causing both your legs to slip, eventually sitting on top of him by mistake.
Oh no.
"Y-yosuke-kun I-I-woah I'm sorry I-"

Suddenly, it started to thunder. What made it worse was that you are afraid of thunder.

You let out a little scream and covered your mouth, embarrassed by your fear. Yosuke caught on, hugging you tightly and pulling you closer.
"It's okay, (y/n) - san. Don't worry. I'm here."

At this rate, you couldn't tell if it calmed you down or made you feel even more flustered.
Evening hit, and eventually you fell asleep in his arms.

Yosuke Hanamura x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now